Wise One
Hope you have some good news and pics to post soon.
Good thing you're not in California. It would be at least another month and a half of waiting.Any day now. Hell, it could even be today as there are now some "signs"... :waiting:
Yeah, figured that out today as that is all we saw. We have the weekly appointment with her doctor tomorrow, so we'll know more about what's going on at that time. Until then, just more charlie horses in her back and contractions up front.good luck! Hope the waiting doesn't last too much longer. Signs don't always mean much though.Any day now. Hell, it could even be today as there are now some "signs"... :waiting:
I had an ultrasound scheduled for the morning mini-snick was born, guess he didn't want to go through that again.My wife was lucky enough to give birth early, but it didn't seem like she was going to. She went to the Dr. on Thursday for her checkup and she wasn't progressed much at all, but her water broke Friday night and Mini-ble was born Saturday morning, so you never know! Good luck and Congrats since I won't be in the country when Mini-slacker is born.
Awesome!Good thing you're not in California. It would be at least another month and a half of waiting.Any day now. Hell, it could even be today as there are now some "signs"... :waiting:
My wife had to be put on pitocin after her water broke too, but they gave her an epidural right after, so she was relaxed all the way through the birth. Lucky me!My water broke, but I had to have pitocin. Be prepared for a woman on pitocin to hate you.
I don't have to wait for that. Every time a contraction hits, I get reminded.My water broke, but I had to have pitocin. Be prepared for a woman on pitocin to hate you.
Two of my sisters had bad experiences when they received pitosin. It causes severe contractions, but does not necessarily make everything else happen - dilation, etc. They both stayed in hard labor for a long time. One ended up having a C-section. It worked out fine for me not to have it.^^ Why the refusal Mary? Most women are clamoring to get the baby out by that time in the pregnancy.
Great news! Congratulations!The stork brought a little bundle of joy today!!! We went to the hospital 12/26 morning (8 am or so) because the wifey-wife was having some HARD contractions that were between 4-7 minutes apart. After initial examination, the doc said that she's only at 1 cm or so. After a shot of demerol we were sent home to wait it out. Yada yada yada, we returned to the hospital at 11:00 pm to find she was at 5 cm. Finally, at 3:38 am this morning (12/27), Sam was born. By the way, waiting to find out whether it was a boy or a girl was so awesome!
W = 7 lbs 4.6 oz
L = 21 in.
Sex = male
In the past 60 hours, I've had approximately 4 hours of sleep, 2 of which were two short naps today between visitations. Sam just finished eating and decided to pass out. This is the perfect opportunity to take a hot shower and hit the couch.