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This thread hasn't been brought up in a while but Mrs. Monte and I are looking forward to our first around the end of May. Just started telling a few folks at work although dreading one or two finding out for fear of getting trapped in hallways for an hour at a time being told all about parenting...

We are really excited though as we have some friends who are expecting a month after us here in town and then my sister is due a month before us and my sister-in-law is due a month afterwards (but they are both geographically far away).

It turns out though that both of our families had pretty much decided on the fact that we would probably not have kids so it was quite the surprise when we told them. The in-laws all found out by email through a ppt presentation I had put together. Wife allowed me to do that although our back up plan was just showing up in Seattle the next time with a baby! I am still thinking that the shock factor behind that one would have been priceless...


... dreading one or two finding out for fear of getting trapped in hallways for an hour at a time being told all about parenting...
Just tell them that you prefer to get advice on parenting from people on an engineering forum whom you have never met. :)

....... The in-laws all found out by email through a ppt presentation I had put together. ......
Congrats !!!!!!! and with the .ppt you are a TRUE engineer. LOL
I wonder if he included free body diagrams of the actual birthing process.
No free body diagram but I did have Mrs Monte put a hard hat under her shirt and the slide said she was due in two weeks... (she is not due until the end of may). It must have looked convincing enough as her mother said she just about had a heart attack...

... dreading one or two finding out for fear of getting trapped in hallways for an hour at a time being told all about parenting...
Just tell them that you prefer to get advice on parenting from people on an engineering forum whom you have never met. :)
That is awesome and will be done! There are two women at work who will just corner you and tell you all about whatever... One has never had children and the other is not one that I would take advice from on anything (not that I would take advice from the first either). Other employees have to actually go and pry the trapped engineer (who usually looks like a deer in the headlights) away from the situation with phrases like, "I really need to get your opinion on a FEM model over at my desk... I have been looking all around for you..."

so online advice from strangers will be added to the list of "are you kidding me?", "don't you have work to do" (where if the answer is no, then it is replied with "Don't you realize I have 40% manditory OT... Chances are I have work to do...") and "you know that you could get your own public access show where you could present your ideas to more people who really care and I can tape it for future viewing" (she is not a math person and probably would have to be reminded that any number times zero is still zero and there is the side fact that we do not have working TV therefore cannot tape anything...)

Thanks for the well wishes, Mrs. Monte is feeling pretty good although she is starting to get more consistently hungry which makes it tough for her at work (middle school teacher). Should be a pretty exciting!

....... The in-laws all found out by email through a ppt presentation I had put together. ......
Congrats !!!!!!! and with the .ppt you are a TRUE engineer. LOL

I wonder if he included free body diagrams of the actual birthing process.

What would be better would be to include a diagram of the conception including angles of entry, coefficients of friction, and discharge velocity.

It's a boy!
Baby ElCid is exactly 5 days older than miniSnick. Congratulations!

So tiny, so innocent, and 15 years +/- the reason why I have a pump action 12 gauge in my closet.
