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You can usually figure that out without asking.
My wife's problem was that I never had the Audio warning before the sock full of quarters hit me in the sinuses...

I figured it out, but never in time to open the window or step into another room.

Hey, snick, some of us don't get morning sickness. My sister puked every day for 3 months and I never did even once.

Congradulations Snick,

It is always good to hear when someone with "Smart genes" procreates.


My wife's problem was that I never had the Audio warning before the sock full of quarters hit me in the sinuses...
I figured it out, but never in time to open the window or step into another room.
Sounds a lot less like her problem, and a lot more like your problem.

^^ I love the one where he is looking at the cake and not looking too happy. So cute! Mine didn't get the smash cake concept right away either.

Add me to the list of expecting people who will be forced to mature in 8+ short months. Wife found out on 4/15 while I was studying. Didn't want the news to get out before the PE test in order to prevent me from getting too distracted at the last minute. The doctor said that the expected due date is 1/1/10. Maybe it'll arrive a little early and be our little tax break.


Add me to the list of expecting people who will be forced to mature in 8+ short months. Wife found out on 4/15 while I was studying. Didn't want the news to get out before the PE test in order to prevent me from getting too distracted at the last minute. The doctor said that the expected due date is 1/1/10. Maybe it'll arrive a little early and be our little tax break.
Congrats! And welcome to the club. Babies seem to come in waves here at EB.com

Congratulations MasterSlacker!! You'll be so busy thinking about the new baby you won't have time to worry about the test results.

TX - those are very cute pictures. Thanks for sharing.
