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I am also riding the wave. I will be able to focus all of the time I spent studying into picking out a crib and all the rest. My wife is due in Sept. We will find out if we are having a boy or a girl next week.

Thanks, everyone! Fortunately for my wife and me, we have a good amount of baby stuff already. In fact we got it months ago since her sister just moved from Houston to Calgary and wanted us to take everything she had before the moving trucks got loaded.

Add me to the list of expecting people who will be forced to mature in 8+ short months. Wife found out on 4/15 while I was studying. Didn't want the news to get out before the PE test in order to prevent me from getting too distracted at the last minute. The doctor said that the expected due date is 1/1/10. Maybe it'll arrive a little early and be our little tax break.

I am also riding the wave. I will be able to focus all of the time I spent studying into picking out a crib and all the rest. My wife is due in Sept. We will find out if we are having a boy or a girl next week.
Awesome! Congratulations! :multiplespotting:

Add me to the list of expecting people who will be forced to mature in 8+ short months. Wife found out on 4/15 while I was studying. Didn't want the news to get out before the PE test in order to prevent me from getting too distracted at the last minute. The doctor said that the expected due date is 1/1/10. Maybe it'll arrive a little early and be our little tax break.
Sounds like you were already keeping yourself busy with other distractions... :leghump: :bananadoggywow:

Congrats on the upcoming little one. :thumbs:

The Coop-man just took his first steps tonight. It rocked!!!!
Recent images from our trip to the Omaha Zoo... Me and Cooper

The whole gang -minus me...

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I just saw this thread thanks to the recent bump. My wife is due with our first on 8/19. We are having a little boy. We are very excited :party-smiley-048: , but wouldn't you know I'm going to be studying for the PE in October, so we'll see how that goes :dunno: .

Congrats to you ble and Mrs. Ble, and good luck studying! Now if I can get some more studying done.....

Congrats ble!!! It's always challenging with kids, but you'll find a way. Good luck and great news! That's not far off!

Thanks! I'm trying to get a lot of studying in before the birth so I can try to work problems and keep everything fresh in my mind during September and Oct.

Plus a newborn sleeps a lot...

HA HA HA! Even as I write that I can't keep a straight face. However, you will be able to do it. Fit in little study sessions instead of big study sessions and you'll be fine. Sneak away a couple days before the exam to make sure you're well rested. It's much easier to sneak away from a kiddo when they are tiny, than later when they want all your attention.

And congratulations!

Drop side cribs are going to be non-exist in the near future...at least newly purchased one. Manufactures and safety boards are agreeing to support the stopping production of them once a law has been passed. Should have been a while ago IMHO.

It's always the dropside crib in the recalls

Hmm...I think our "crib" is eligible for a full refund. Curious how that works, since it's now four years old and we've been using it as a toddler bed. However, a full refund equals a bonus for having used a bed for four years. It's like we rented it. This might pay for some bunk beds!

Hmm...I think our "crib" is eligible for a full refund. Curious how that works, since it's now four years old and we've been using it as a toddler bed. However, a full refund equals a bonus for having used a bed for four years. It's like we rented it. This might pay for some bunk beds!
but they don't know that. :bananapowerslide: How do they know how much you paid if you didn't keep the orginal receipt though? Hope super bonus is in your future!

Yeah, that's what I'm mostly curious about. We so do not have the box for it and it's definitely been used up in the last four years...including the little teeth marks from the tiny chipmunk when he was teething. Do I just bring them an assortment of parts? I'm now really curious.

so we went for our tour of the maternity ward at the hospital last night during our birthing class. Not too bad for a small town hosiptal, probably better than some larger city because all postpardum room are private....no sharing with a stranger.

That's great! The hospital my wife had our son was the nicest in the area. We got basically a suite that you never leave once you get there. So you have your baby in the same room that you stay in until you leave. It was a really nice place. Are you ready for it to be over with yet? When Mrs. Ble was at your stage, she just wanted the baby out!
