Those are AWESOME pics !!! :bowdown: :respect: :appl:Sorry. Proud daddy moment and wanted to share some pics...
Agree with FLBuff ... never a need to apologize there d00d !!
Those are AWESOME pics !!! :bowdown: :respect: :appl:Sorry. Proud daddy moment and wanted to share some pics...
I would post pics of my daughters (23 and 18), but I'm sure there would be inappropriate comments from some of the leud guys around here.
Just a second there professor. Every woman is somebody's daughter.Mary, I'm probably considered a lewd guy but daughters are off limits. There's just an unwritten code about that sort of thing. But I totally understand the hesitation. I am always a little hesitant to post pictures of my kids, particularly on Facebook.
I've never used it... but hubby hasn't complained, so I guess it's good?hey TX, how do you like that shop vac? I bought that exact one for the hubby's birthday next month.
Just a second there professor. Every woman is somebody's daughter.
Of course I knew what you meant, but I wouldn't be living up to my reputation if I let that comment go unmolested.I think you know what I mean. Daughters of EB.com members.
True, true.Of course I knew what you meant, but I wouldn't be living up to my reputation if I let that comment go unmolested.
Same boat here... my wife pictures of the kids posted on facebook, but you can only view them if you are her 'friend' there... we have the same rules for the godparents of our kids that want to post pictures.Mary, I'm probably considered a lewd guy but daughters are off limits. There's just an unwritten code about that sort of thing. But I totally understand the hesitation. I am always a little hesitant to post pictures of my kids, particularly on Facebook.