EB Survivor Challenge 4

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have any of you seen this thread? http://www.lemonparty.org
I actually hovered over that link to make sure it didn't go to something other than Lemon Party...sort of a reverse troll. I don't think I've ever seen that work when somebody blatantly posted the link.
I'm new here.
Are you new to the internet? :huh:
Welcome to oz, would you like a new pair of shiny red shoes?

have any of you seen this thread? http://www.lemonparty.org
I actually hovered over that link to make sure it didn't go to something other than Lemon Party...sort of a reverse troll. I don't think I've ever seen that work when somebody blatantly posted the link.
I'm new here.
Are you new to the internet? :huh:
I must be. I Just learned what being rickroll'd is too.

have any of you seen this thread? http://www.lemonparty.org
I actually hovered over that link to make sure it didn't go to something other than Lemon Party...sort of a reverse troll. I don't think I've ever seen that work when somebody blatantly posted the link.
I'm new here.
Are you new to the internet? :huh:
I must be. I Just learned what being rickroll'd is too.
There are worse things out there then that, so be careful what you click on. ;)

You can disable link previews. But only if you're a digital Jedi.... ;)

Okay, game threads have been locked. Results are being processed.

Frozen Chosen's group posted the NJ wife prego with 4th kid thread. I gotta say, I loved it. It was edgy and dirty and clever and I absolutely loved the ingenuity that went into it. If anybody got offended, that's unfortunate, because it was so freaking ingenius.

HBB's group posted actually a bunch of threads, which I also thought was very smart, they cast their net wide and tried to catch a bunch of fish in at least one of them... unfortunately, they had to resort to all out warfare to compete and then it was an all out spam fest.

I am thoroughly pleased with both teams during this challenge, it was a good one, thanks for the enthusiasm and effort, it made it fun.

Now, a couple other items.

Roscodog, peewee, and dug are disqualified from the prego thread, because they are aliases... and I've got proof, so don't make me out you to the public by claiming that they aren't.

Stay tuned for the results after I do some tabulating.

I think we will need to rely on bonus points for creativity to win...

Also, Frozen Chosen (the alias) doesn't count for HBB because that's a member alias...

Total non-member posts for Frozen Chosen (or member alias posts) = 63

Total non-member posts for HBB (or member alias posts) = 409

Congratulations HBB.

Frozen Chosen, you must vote off a member... PM me your choice to vote off.

Hey, I said I loved your concept! But, you know, when you're beaten by over 350 points, there's not much I can do... also, one might argue you took a chance on your choice and it backfired. It was one hell of a concept though, I'll give you that. I saw it and immeidately thought you guys were onto something. The problem of course is that it got too popular, way too fast.

Still loved it though.

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