EB Mafia

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I took the day off to go diving yesterday and just skimmed through the last bunch of pages to catch up.

I'm district 12 and my win scenario is that I either kill a mafia or survive. My first night kill is tonight and I'm truly surprised I made it this long without getting lynched or night killed.

Doc, please save me from the career night kill tonight and I'll let the town pick my night kill. Theres no mafia doc this round so they shouldn't be able to stop it and that will prove my district.
okay, there are way less hunger games death gifs than I was expecting. I thought I would have dozens to choose from. It turns out that that isn't the case, especially since I need to save a few scenes for later in the game.

It will take me a bit longer to come out with the write ups this morning.
How am I leaning mafia?!?!?! I legit haven't said anything besides asking a couple people what their district was.
Re-read my quote:

"I mean "very slightly lean", so basically just a hunch based on behavior."

And really, it was just from you asking 3 people which district they were from, without offering anything about yourself.
The game ends when one of the following criteria is met:
  • No mafia remain and the District 3 player is still alive.
  • If no mafia remain and the District 3 player is dead then the remaining town will vote to determine surviving player, or it goes to RPS or RNG, or it can be "played out" until two town remains and it goes to RPS.
  • The mafia outnumber the town players. The surviving mafia will be determined by the vote of the mafia or RPS.
So there is one mafia left right?

District 3 looks like it's still in play so we could all win this if we can find that last mafia member.
Well let me get ahead of this- I am town. I know my defense of becca makes me look sketchy but
1. It would be dumb for me to stick my neck out so obviously if I was mafia and obviously would have know she was mafia too.
2. I guessed she was town using this logic drawing from the first lynching (which I sent to her and offered alliance- bad idea):
"As the moon rises three pledges accidentally come across each other in a clearing. @beccabun PE spots the other two first. She grabs a nearby branch to act as a club. @djl PE and @squaretaper LIT AF PE weren't paying that close of attention to one another and ran right into one another. @beccabun PE uses the confusion as an opportunity to run away (she was the first to send me RPS). Surprised by the other person they each grab for the weapons they grabbed at the cornucopia."
The phrases highlighted all point to my central idea: None of us were at the cornucopia, therefore none of us are career tributes. This checks with blue being a regular townie.
@RBHeadge PE told me that this storytelling was not indicative of roles but I thought I might have caught him slipping so went on that hunch. Haven’t known him long but I think I should have known better anyways haha.

Anyways, I know this has the potential to make me look sketch- I was going to volunteer to be investigated but maf got lucky and got our cop RIP @MadamPirate PE . Please trust me, there’s not much else I can say beyond this. I’m open to questions.
Okay. I re-read some stuff. Duran was accusing Nik of being a mafia/career on page 1405 if Duran was night killed. If Nik was career, wouldn't they avoid killing Duran that night to keep their role secret (plus it wouldn't it be dumb) and wouldn't the career try to kill Duran to make it seem like Nik was evil. In my convoluted thinking, career can't kill career (I think, that's the usual rule), so I am leaving slightly career for Duran right now (especially since they've been voted for and squirmed out numerous times) and Nik slightly normal tribute.

DJL is kinda leaning more towards career just because of that giant explanation. Sus.
I took the day off to go diving yesterday and just skimmed through the last bunch of pages to catch up.

I'm district 12 and my win scenario is that I either kill a mafia or survive. My first night kill is tonight and I'm truly surprised I made it this long without getting lynched or night killed.

Doc, please save me from the career night kill tonight and I'll let the town pick my night kill. Theres no mafia doc this round so they shouldn't be able to stop it and that will prove my district.
...I thought the Ranger came into play Friday night, not Monday (the third day of play and we started on Wednesday).
Okay. I re-read some stuff. Duran was accusing Nik of being a mafia/career on page 1405 if Duran was night killed. If Nik was career, wouldn't they avoid killing Duran that night to keep their role secret (plus it wouldn't it be dumb) and wouldn't the career try to kill Duran to make it seem like Nik was evil. In my convoluted thinking, career can't kill career (I think, that's the usual rule), so I am leaving slightly career for Duran right now (especially since they've been voted for and squirmed out numerous times) and Nik slightly normal tribute.

DJL is kinda leaning more towards career just because of that giant explanation. Sus.
:rolleyes: I'm not career.
Hence the explanation. @JayKay PE ALWAYS susses me 😔

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