EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I got flooded with urgent emails roughly an hour after my round started, and then spent something like 24 of the following 36 hours working.  The rest of the week wasn't much better. There was no way to catch up or establish myself in the game at that point so I subbed out. From the little time I spent playing, I can tell you that it was a completely different environment that what we play here.

I got flooded with urgent emails roughly an hour after my round started, and then spent something like 24 of the following 36 hours working.  The rest of the week wasn't much better. There was no way to catch up or establish myself in the game at that point so I subbed out. From the little time I spent playing, I can tell you that it was a completely different environment that what we play here.
I had a very hard time following it. Too many VERY LONG replies, and hundreds and hundreds of pages. Kudos for sticking with it for the time you did.

Our maf game is way more fun anyway. 

I'm out. Shitstorm life demands priority. Hahahahaha

I think I'm losing my marbles.

lLso, power company called at 4:45 this morning to let us know power has been restored to our abode.  Yay!  

Except, it has not been. Checked with the neighbors, they don't have power either, and apparently the line that is down behind their house is still down, has a tree on it, and still in their neighbor's pool.
