EB Mafia

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I will be changing tactics and will no longer say I'm townie or not, or mafia or not.  At least not until it benefits the town. I've been announcing my status too early and I think it gets me in trouble.
I guess this worked in your favor because you never claimed anything other than neutral


I was honest about being very busy.  I really didn't put much thought into this round until the last two days.  The PMs between @blybrook PE and @squaretaper LIT AF PE weren't all that much.

We figured once @jean15paul_PE targeted Bly, there was a good chance he was the cop.  Unfortunately he was saved the first night.

My thinking on Day 2 was, "Surely the doctor doesn't think we'd be foolish enough to go after JP twice in a row."  But then I thought, if they're thinking that, why not target him again?  So we gambled and got lucky. 

Square was obviously super busy and quiet.  He didn't PM much (maybe once?).  I think on Day 3 (or 4?) @RBHeadge PE was already suspecting me.  I knew I couldn't just keep voting for townies, so I had a choice:  Lay low or vote for a fellow mafia.  Square was the only one, so I figured if I voted for him first and early, there might be a chance he wouldn't get piled on as RB made the case that the quiet people aren't necessarily mafia.  However the voting was light that day (3 votes total?) and we lost Square.  It was a big gamble, and not sure we could go the rest of the way with one player.

I kept quiet for a while, busy with work/life and didn't think much about it.  I figured this round would be over soon, so I didn't think much about it.

There were two early distractions that helped me.  Lots of chatter about flights in general, and then after JP got killed, he posted photos of his new puppy which spawned more OT discussions.  Good for me since no one was pressing me with questions.

I want to be clear I did my best to avoid lying.  My goal was to avoid lying the entire round.  Instead of declaring townie (or NOT mafia) I stated, "I'm on your side", which is really not lying (misleading maybe lol).  "I'm on your side" could mean the left side, the right side, good, bad, right wrong, etc.  We were all on a plane, so I could have been "on your side" of the aisle, instead of the opposite side lol.  Take insurance for example.  Nationwide is "on your side", but are they really?  Not unless you buy their insurance plan, and even after that, you're just a statistic and you're really not "on their side" unless you spend your lifetime giving them payments and they never have to compensate for you.  Anyway, I digress.

I finally lied when pressed by @Dothracki (pretty sure yesterday I said I was a townie) on the last day.  I didn't know how to keep from lying and avoid suspicion.

When @RBHeadge PE came out with his algorithm, I figured I had it won since I figured most people would buy into it.  I glanced at the steps for a couple of minutes and figured there was no way I would be a suspect ahead of Dothracki or TxJennah.  Then it was just a matter of pretending to stew over it. 😁

In the end, it was a team effort.  I had good advice from @blybrook PE and @squaretaper LIT AF PE kept everyone guessing!  Thanks guys!  Good playing!

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Dangit RB! I trusted youuuuu
My analysis assumes rationale behavior. Duran's critical vote against Square on Friday was not rationale. It greatly decreased the chance of a mafia victory and only allowed for a narrow path for a personal victory. It was high risk-high reward.

Yep, I was the cop. I got lucky by investigating @blybrook PE on day 1. I almost didn't vote for him because I didn't want to attract attention, but no. How could I not vote for him? Fortunately the doc saved me (had no idea who it was). Then on day 2 I was wondering, "I voted for @blybrook PE who has a special role. Did the timing of my vote reveal me as the cop? Did @blybrook PE try to kill me because I voted for him? Or did @blybrook PE save me because he's the doc and suspects I'm the cop?" I decided to vote for him again and fortunately we got the first maf.

Glad I was able to make a contribution before I got dedded.

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i thought dam the townies have clinched the title night one! 

then it just all went to shit. lol

Good game @DuranDuran you beat us nearly single-handedly, just like @JayKay PE last round
See. You were in that PM last round. You know I was not as methodical as my joined-at-the-lower-intestine pal @DuranDuran, but I do believe this is the first back-to-back, mafia as last man standing wins?
