EB Mafia

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Rps is rock paper scissors BTW 
I thought it was rock/paper/shotgun but ok.

@Dothracki good luck!

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." - John 8:7

You might not want to throw a rock first, but then again, you might.  I might too, but then again, I might not.

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@MadamPirate PEwas DEDDED in the night. Story to follow once I get to the office. 

@Dothrackiand @DuranDuranassuming neither of you is planning to concede, please send me 10 rounds of rps. First to 3 wins will be the Victor. Also announced once I get to the office and have both submissions and have a moment to check and share; whichever comes last. 

I will mention @Dothracki has played EXTREMELY well.  This is only his second round (or third?  I can't remember), but still one of the newer players and he played like a pro.  He eluded all of us!  My hat is off to him! 
Third round. The second round I was mafia and was eliminated second night, would have been first night if I didn't win RPS. Unless @MadamPirate PE is the mafia and killed herself, that would just leave you as the mafia. I would say you played the game very well. You took advantage of square being inactive and knowing that he was mafia that gave you more of a town lean, that was a good play.

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The group wakes up, getting ready to head to the safari and notice @MadamPirate PE hasn't come out of her room yet. They knock on the door telling her to hurry up with no response. They pick the lock and walk in to noone in the room. no windows open, all locked from the inside, with just a lab coat on the floor. She was never to be seen again. The mafia dedded/or captured her in the night. 


1.  Scissors

2.  Paper

3.  Scissors

4.  Rock

5.  Rock

6.  Paper

7.  Scissors

8.  Paper

9.  Rock

10.  Paper

@Dothracki sent 30 rounds LOL

  1. Paper
  2. Paper
  3. Rock
  4. Rock
  5. Scissors
  6. Scissors
  7. Scissors
  8. Rock
  9. Paper
  10. Paper
I called the local Urgent Care to request an appointment.  The person who answered the phone said, "Are you coughing?  Do you have a fever?  Do you have the following COVID symptoms...."

Me:  "No.  I just had a bunch of paper and scissors and rocks thrown at me and I need stitches."

"Oh, you must be a teacher then.  School just started back."

During a battle over the loss of @MadamPirate PE, both @DuranDuran and @Dothracki insisted the other "did it". They start a fight, hitting each other with their suitcases; @DuranDuran's seems to be obnoxiously heavy...and body bag sized... 

@DuranDuran's bag busts open, and @MadamPirate PE falls out.

@JayKay PE screams "I AM MAFIA", confusedly

@Dothracki says "I KNEW IT" to @DuranDuran

@DuranDuran can't have anyone knowing he was actually mafia all along, so he slits their throats with the paring knife used to slice lemons for bevvys the night before...It provides a little extra sting, along with a lemon-fresh scent. 

Mafia wins.
