EB Mafia

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Whoa, this is the first weekend in years some zoomer moron hasn't tagged me in this thread. Y'all are improving.  Well done.

That was a good round.  You were the doctor, and @RBHeadge PE was mafia with @squaretaper LIT AF PE and @txjennah PE.  Townies won.  So @JayKay PE we were on the same side, why do you "remember" that round so much?  Or just messing with me?  lol

That was also the round our group got invited to play in Tournament Mafia and we nominated RB to represent us.
I am totes messing with you.  I barely remember rounds, even after I mod.  So when I'm writing it's hilarious because I legit do not remember what I wrote/what my rounds were about...except for @Audi driver, P.E. being an awesome femme fatale.

Okay guys.  It's Wednesday and I'm hoping to start a new round bright and early on Monday.  I forgot who said they were available/wanted to play, so I'm just going to throw names below and just @ me to let me know if you're playing:

@squaretaper LIT AF PE (because I will crush you at fitbit walking even if it kills me), @ChebyshevII PE (because you need a break from your 103 children), @ChaosMuppetPE (because I see you posting again, sir!), @DuranDuran (because I guess I like you, according to the feeling in my lower intestine), @jean15paul_PE (because I need puppy pics), @blybrook PE (because I like writing about bears in normal situations), @Roarbark (bork bork bork bork), @chart94 (because I like writing chart over and over again), @txjennah PE (because I need someone who is distracted in each round), @leggo PE (because secretly baking during murder is a fun theme), @tj_PE (because someone needs to ask if people are mafia), @NikR_PE (because you're usually mafia first round), @SaltySteve (because you're super salty), @LyceeFruit PE (because I misssss you), @RBHeadge PE (because we need all the supreme-level analytics in the round), @vhab49_PE (because you always tell the truth), @MadamPirate PE (because 'I have no idea what's going on'), @Dothracki (because you're the fng), @civilrobot (because I see you posting again and ilu), @Supe (because I don't know if I've forced you to play mafia before, and I think we need more dry humor in here), and @Audi driver, P.E. (because we're secretly best friends and the same person).

Feel free to ask more people to play.  If I'm going to mod, might as well have it as convoluted/as many people as possible so it's like the dating show round.  (laughs in nervous)
