EB Mafia

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As the group watches the instructional video for the upcoming great white shark cage dive, @JayKay PEpulls out head photos of all the deddeds attached to popsicle sticks so they could all come with on the adventure. Once they've set to the sea and are ready to have the first wave of people into the cage, they dump the chum to attract hungry whites. @MadamPirate PE, @DuranDuranand @Dothrackijump into the cage and collectively slam the door shut just as @txjennah PEjumped from the boat. She slid off the slimy cage and into the water, her leg smacking a teen great white and aggravating him enough to attack. She had @RBHeadge PEs head (printout) in her hand and all you could see in the aftermath was @RBHeadge PEs eye covered in blood. 

Well, I said who I thought it was and why, but no one wanted to listen.


We’ll see if I’m right. Either way, good game. I’d rather people question my motives till the very end than easily be read as townie or mafia from the get-go.

And now I am a ghost 👻 
Sorry @txjennah PE!

I must have missed where rb said who to vote for? :dunno:
It was in line of the runes.


I really have to apologize to @txjennah PE I messed up. Either @MadamPirate PE or @DuranDuran are playing a really good game. What happens when there is one town and one mafia left? RNG?
From p. 762, Aug 3rd (Have we been playing that long??) lol


So it's 1 mafia vs 2 townies at this point?  

That means mafia gets a nightkill (more than likely @MadamPirate PE as she announced herself as the doctor), and it's between me and @Dothracki.  So is it rock/paper/scissors?

That's assuming MadamP has not completely fooled us and is mafia, but either way it's 1 vs 1 after this morning's announcement.

The other, least likely scenario, is if someone nightkills a player other than MadamP and she saves that person (if she's the doc) and the town wins.

I will mention @Dothracki has played EXTREMELY well.  This is only his second round (or third?  I can't remember), but still one of the newer players and he played like a pro.  He eluded all of us!  My hat is off to him! 

@MadamPirate PEwas DEDDED in the night. Story to follow once I get to the office. 

@Dothrackiand @DuranDuranassuming neither of you is planning to concede, please send me 10 rounds of rps. First to 3 wins will be the Victor. Also announced once I get to the office and have both submissions and have a moment to check and share; whichever comes last. 
