EB Mafia

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@DuranDuran, I had no idea what was going on a majority of the time, tbh, which makes me feel even worse.  I was super busy last week/this week so when I didn't vote it was genuinely me being caught up in something else.  And then I voted for @Audi driver, P.E. because we're biffles and I felt horrible that he was actually being forced to be a contributing member of the game (which they hate so much).

Everything else was me just watching you guys and PMing the maf group going, "What is going on?  I have-I have no idea-what?"

@DuranDuran, I had no idea what was going on a majority of the time, tbh, which makes me feel even worse.  I was super busy last week/this week so when I didn't vote it was genuinely me being caught up in something else.  And then I voted for @Audi driver, P.E. because we're biffles and I felt horrible that he was actually being forced to be a contributing member of the game (which they hate so much).

Everything else was me just watching you guys and PMing the maf group going, "What is going on?  I have-I have no idea-what?"
You and @chart94 acting confused and out of touch made it difficult to decide how much you were REALLY out of touch or how much was really covert.  Usually I try to make deductions from voting but the limited voting from both of you made things difficult for me obviously. 

You and @chart94 acting confused and out of touch made it difficult to decide how much you were REALLY out of touch or how much was really covert.  Usually I try to make deductions from voting but the limited voting from both of you made things difficult for me obviously. 
how much you were REALLY out of touch or how much was really covert = All of it was out of touch and none of it was covert.  Literally today was the only day I tried super hard to be non-maf

You and @chart94 acting confused and out of touch made it difficult to decide how much you were REALLY out of touch or how much was really covert.  Usually I try to make deductions from voting but the limited voting from both of you made things difficult for me obviously. 
And then there is me. 

And then there is me. 
*felt super bad about everyone ganging up on you, thus why I retracted my vote and didn't vote for you*


but ohhhhhh jaykay voted to kill audi! when she could have easily changed her vote last minute if it would have done any good but that means shes def not maf.........


I can't believe you guys lynched @RBHeadge PE the first day. smdh
IKR. That was a dumbass move. I only claim townie alignment if I am townie aligned. I've played it clean for the last twelve months and will continue to play it clean. If I claim town alignment then believe it. 

But the opposite is not always true: not claiming town alignment =\= mafia aligned. I try to prove my town alignment through my actions and not lazily with my words. So I only outright say it maybe 1 in 4 rounds.

I will forever remember this as the round where @Audi driver, P.E. not only called himself out as mafia, but voted for himself (TWICE), and I still managed to eff it up!

Damn, I should have trusted myself with the " @ryankon518 'liked' one of your comments @JayKay PE for no reason", therefore suspish comment.

Well, I'll just wait for @RBHeadge PE's post round analysis to find out how much I really sucked lol.
@DuranDuran You were on me from the beginning and right for it. That was a horrible performance for mafia. If I didn't win RPS against @RBHeadge PE I would have contributed nothing. Props to @Roarbark for getting the first two saves correct (confirming for everyone that mafia did actually remember to vote but were unlucky in our kill choices).




Great work @JayKay PE for pulling through!

IKR. That was a dumbass move. I only claim townie alignment if I am townie aligned. I've played it clean for the last twelve months and will continue to play it clean. If I claim town alignment then believe it. 

But the opposite is not always true: not claiming town alignment =\= mafia aligned. I try to prove my town alignment through my actions and not lazily with my words. So I only outright say it maybe 1 in 4 rounds.
My bad.
