EB Mafia

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As the group moved into Work Spaces, @tj_PE directed them all to spread out. She wants to go UP! with her work from home space, not out. The group looks at KALLAX desks, which TJ considers briefly, but then mentions she wants cabinets above a desk, not shelves NEXT to her desk. 

@ryankon518 and @vhab49_PE end up near a display of LIXHULT cabinets. @ryankon518 arrives first, and starts opening and closing them to make sure they really are a soft close and have a no squeak hinge. @vhab49_PE tries to push @ryankon518 away from the LIXHULT, claiming she saw them first. She tries to pull his hand from the cabinet door, but @ryankon518 refuses to budge, saying he needs to pick out the perfect color for TJ's office space. They tussle over the cabinet door, which causes the whole setup to detach from the wall. @vhab49_PE jumps out of the way, but the LIXULT crashes into @ryankon518's face, killing him instantly. @vhab49_PE tiptoes away, pointedly examining an ALEX and pretending not to know what happened.


@ryankon518 was killed by the town - he was mafia.

Remaining players: @ChebyshevII PE @jean15paul_PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @chart94 @Roarbark @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE

As the group moved into Work Spaces, @tj_PE directed them all to spread out. She wants to go UP! with her work from home space, not out. The group looks at KALLAX desks, which TJ considers briefly, but then mentions she wants cabinets above a desk, not shelves NEXT to her desk. 

@ryankon518 and @vhab49_PE end up near a display of LIXHULT cabinets. @ryankon518 arrives first, and starts opening and closing them to make sure they really are a soft close and have a no squeak hinge. @vhab49_PE tries to push @ryankon518 away from the LIXHULT, claiming she saw them first. She tries to pull his hand from the cabinet door, but @ryankon518 refuses to budge, saying he needs to pick out the perfect color for TJ's office space. They tussle over the cabinet door, which causes the whole setup to detach from the wall. @vhab49_PE jumps out of the way, but the LIXULT crashes into @ryankon518's face, killing him instantly. @vhab49_PE tiptoes away, pointedly examining an ALEX and pretending not to know what happened.


@ryankon518 was killed by the town - he was mafia.

Remaining players: @ChebyshevII PE @jean15paul_PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @chart94 @Roarbark @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE

I can pretty much predict how tomorrow is gonna go down...not sure how to convince you all about my townie status.
I'm not completely decided :) . What are your thoughts on today's vote? What are your maf/town reads? Since there was no night kill, do you think Maf forgot to target, or Doc saved someone last night?

@MadamPirate PE I'm going to put my vote in for @Audi driver, P.E.. His claim to being maf is the only thing I have to go off of right now.
You said this after RB (proven cop) posted his thoughts, implicating someone as likely mafia. Wherefore?

I'm not completely decided :) . What are your thoughts on today's vote? What are your maf/town reads? Since there was no night kill, do you think Maf forgot to target, or Doc saved someone last night?

You said this after RB (proven cop) posted his thoughts, implicating someone as likely mafia. Wherefore?
I admit I have not been paying very close attention, although I did catch that there was no death last night. I honestly think that the doc saved someone, but I could be wrong, especially if audi is maf. ;)

Anyhow...I don’t think it would have mattered whether I cast my vote for Ryan anyway, since he had a clear majority. I honestly think I’ll be sticking with a vote for audi (assuming I don’t die tonight) Since he seems to want out anyway.

As the group moved into Work Spaces, @tj_PE directed them all to spread out. She wants to go UP! with her work from home space, not out. The group looks at KALLAX desks, which TJ considers briefly, but then mentions she wants cabinets above a desk, not shelves NEXT to her desk. 

@ryankon518 and @vhab49_PE end up near a display of LIXHULT cabinets. @ryankon518 arrives first, and starts opening and closing them to make sure they really are a soft close and have a no squeak hinge. @vhab49_PE tries to push @ryankon518 away from the LIXHULT, claiming she saw them first. She tries to pull his hand from the cabinet door, but @ryankon518 refuses to budge, saying he needs to pick out the perfect color for TJ's office space. They tussle over the cabinet door, which causes the whole setup to detach from the wall. @vhab49_PE jumps out of the way, but the LIXULT crashes into @ryankon518's face, killing him instantly. @vhab49_PE tiptoes away, pointedly examining an ALEX and pretending not to know what happened.


@ryankon518 was killed by the town - he was mafia.

Remaining players: @ChebyshevII PE @jean15paul_PE @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @chart94 @Roarbark @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE
Yessssssssssss.  Maf down!

Also, I def need to make time before I go to sleep to check out the thread and actually vote.  Fuck.  Sorry guys!

In case I get killed tonight (most likely, I have no idea why I'm still here):

Lean suspish: chebs, duran

Leaning awkward: roar, chart

Leaning at 45-degrees (aka: as junkies call it, first position): audi

Leaning against a building: jean, txj, vhab

Hope this helps get some maf!
Hey now I’m not awkward!! Well I am an engineer....

In case I get axed tonight.

Townie+: Duran

Mafia: vhab, JayKay

Mafia+: Cheby

Neutral: Everyone else
I am not Mafia.  I just did not want to vote for FNG. If it had come down to FNG vs Audi, I would have switched my vote to Ryan, but since it wasn't, I let my vote for Roar stand.  This was not an indication that I think ROar is Maf, I just could not remember at the time who else was playing.

 @ryankon518 It is Ryan, we aren't just butchering your name here?

 @ryankon518 It is Ryan, we aren't just butchering your name here?
Yes that is correct. I was going to use one of my vague usernames instead but I don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I thought this was a professional forum at first

I was going to change it but then I thought it would confuse people.

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