EB Mafia

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I know we can't use PMs this round...but I still have PTSD from being told I was mafia for PMing during previous games...which means my PMs to @RBHeadge PE are getting super short and kinda choppy.  


You're lucky I wasn't mafia because I totes would have killed you.
Fair enough.  However, it IS possible you attempted to kill me and the doc saved me, but no info to really confirm one way or the other.


@ryankon518 is still primary target

@ChebyshevII PE is suspish but nothing really telling yet, so lean mafia.

@JayKay PE I'm going to consider neutral but lean mafia because of the possible connection to ryan.

@Audi driver, P.E. is a suspected Trump supporter.

Fair enough.  However, it IS possible you attempted to kill me and the doc saved me, but no info to really confirm one way or the other.


@ryankon518 is still primary target

@ChebyshevII PE is suspish but nothing really telling yet, so lean mafia.

@JayKay PE I'm going to consider neutral but lean mafia because of the possible connection to ryan.

@Audi driver, P.E. is a suspected Trump supporter.

Fair enough.  However, it IS possible you attempted to kill me and the doc saved me, but no info to really confirm one way or the other.


@ryankon518 is still primary target

@ChebyshevII PE is suspish but nothing really telling yet, so lean mafia.

@JayKay PE I'm going to consider neutral but lean mafia because of the possible connection to ryan.

@Audi driver, P.E. is a suspected Trump fireplace supporter.

Fair enough.  However, it IS possible you attempted to kill me and the doc saved me, but no info to really confirm one way or the other.


@ryankon518 is still primary target

@ChebyshevII PE is suspish but nothing really telling yet, so lean mafia.

@JayKay PE I'm going to consider neutral but lean mafia because of the possible connection to ryan.

@Audi driver, P.E. is a suspected Trump fireplace supporter.

Is that the make America Grate Again plan?

