EB Mafia

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Rock x10

Edit, just waking up. I was expecting to be dead. 

Edit 2, dead in game. Not IRL.

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Read for 7/3/2020

Everyone survived the lynching / demolition round on day 1, as the Mafia has apparently taken out our host @chart94. Looking at the voting from yesterday, I see that my name should have remained on the final voting block along with @RBHeadge PE, @jean15paul_PE and @NikR_PE.I'm curious if @DuranDuran sheet shows the same. I think a few contestant mentions resulted in errant vote counts.

Should I survive the lynching cycle from last night, the below is for today:

@DuranDuran revised his vote before the initial vote cutoff to save @SaltySteve and put @RBHeadge PE on the voting block to create a 5 way tie. After the extension, @jean15paul_PE changed his vote to @NikR_PE, thus saving @SaltySteve from the lynching cycle and reducing the tie to four.

@ChebyshevII PE, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, @RBHeadge PE and @squaretaper LIT AF PE did not cast a vote on day one. This is normal in these rounds for @RBHeadge PE. I haven't kept track on the others as well as I could. @NikR_PE explained why he missed the vote, but not the extension, his vote could have changed the results of day one and we might still have a host!

Leaning townie - @blybrook PE, @RBHeadge PE

Neutral /unknown yet - @NikR_PE, @Roarbark, @ChebyshevII PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE

Leaning Mafia - @jean15paul_PE, @DuranDuran, @SaltySteve

As for Real Life activities - I'm off to restock the house, it's been 3 weeks since the last visit to the store and the fresh goods are getting thin/absent. I'll check the thread sometime around lunch and before the end of day if I'm not swamped with outside activities. Today is restocking the house and splitting / stacking wood (there's about 2-3 cords to split & stack, then another 3 to restack in front that is older - I rebuilt the wood shed and need to finish cleaning up the wood piles.)

@SaltySteve was arguing about what color to paint the walls. He wanted lime green. @RBHeadge PE was insistent on dark blue while @NikR_PE @jean15paul_PE and @DuranDuran wanted to do more of a mellow yellow. Things got heated when @jean15paul_PE told @SaltySteve he had the fashion sense of a blind 16th century beggar. @RBHeadge PE adds that he is wearing last years shoe model so his opinion is invalid. As they continue to scream, nobody seems to notice the paint cans precariously perched on top of a ladder. All 5 begin pushing and shoving. @SaltySteve crashes into the ladder and a paint can falls from the top, crushing his head. 

@SaltySteve had his last experiment. He was just a drunk scientist..   

 @DuranDuran  was fixing the bathroom and decided to start with removing the sink and toilet. He noticed something was caught in the drain and reached in for a better look. As he struggled, a person with a mask on came into the bathroom. Given recent covid events the good boy thought nothing of this. The figure held out their hand and gave the good boy a treat. Duran was starving as the production team had only brought nasty tofu and veggies yuckkkk! The figure disappeared and Duran starts to feel thirsty. It intensified until finally the good boy begins choking. Frantically, he sprints around the bathroom. Our drunk host chart stumbles in to take a leak after 8 rum and diets. He sees Duran’s lifeless body on the ground. @DuranDuran was lynched by the mafia last night.

Remaining players are:

@Roarbark @RBHeadge PE @jean15paul_PE @blybrook PE @ChebyshevII PE @squaretaper LIT AF PE @NikR_PE

@NikR_PE explained why he missed the vote, but not the extension, his vote could have changed the results of day one and we might still have a host
I did not anticipate an extension. I finally checked EB after I put my son to bed. I would have definitely voted for one of the other 4 as opposed to leaving it to luck. 

I didn't expect that happening! Our host most really be recovering rum and diets. 

Hard to get a good read on the posts that have occurred since then.

Will check in again in a few hours. Back to splitting wood, about 2/3 of first cord split. 

I'm pretty busty today, Mrs Headge's b-day, socially distant BBQ, etc, so I won't have much opportunity to post much.

My current reads




roar; square


cheb, rbheadge


bly, jean




My boss randomly decided to give us today off so I may or may not have intentionally made that 50% statement to ensure I got lynched last night. Sorry townie team.
