EB Mafia

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I was speaking from your perspective that you would have a 50% certainty of either JP or I being mafia.

10 players, 2 mafia. That means there is a 1/5 chance that if you picked a person at random that you'd get a mafia member. If you pick two then you'd have a 2/5 (40%) chance of picking a mafia member. 

@DuranDuran you caught me, I was off by 10%. You detective skills are beyond reproach. I might as well confess to being mafia.
Not a good idea to try to throw me off if you're a townie.  I'm going to keep my vote for you until something else develops later.  I do have someone in mind who I think is more likely to be mafia, but I'm going to withhold that info and wait and see if someone else catches on.

Oh yeah forgot.


"wait Im on now... **** (slurps down rum and diet) Hi welcome to extreme mafia home edition, I am your host chart. This week we are making over the home of @tj_PE and @JayKay PE while they spend the week in their beautiful work offices. Normally it would be a beach vacation, but the show is not that popular, big shock I know. (stumbles over his shoes a little) While they are gone, our talented... well um our work crews will begin to change their dated, ugly (who picked out those drapes...) home into a well better home."


Announcer: MEET OUR CREW 

From the forest in some mountain, the bear that doesn't care, @blybrook PE

After a swim in the wrong pond, he now sees in threes, @RBHeadge PE

Whenever people get drunk, they perform his dance please put your hands together for @ChebyshevII PE

The only scientist drunker than our host, @SaltySteve

Some say he is TOO LIT AF, @squaretaper LIT AF PE

Boop him and he will love you for life... @DuranDuran

His plans to take over the world lead to pain and misery everytime please welcome @NikR_PE

He once missed the olympics by oversleeping, and it WASNT THE SNOOZE @jean15paul_PE

the wolf that WONT blow your house down @Roarbark

and FINALLY PLEASE WELCOME....."wait... are you serious?? well were the ****************** is that ********** " 

Please give a hand to our wonderful crew!!!

@Audi driver, P.E. was found in the dressing room with a nail gun to the head. 

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Current read this morning: @SaltySteve & @DuranDuran create confusion on probability of who's mafia and the number of potential mafioso. I'm put into the cross hairs because I eat fish. Great...

  @chart94 starts the round off with a nail gun death after voting begins and before the contestants (us townies) knew there was something afoot if we're going to follow the script that is.

I was speaking from your perspective that you would have a 50% certainty of either JP or I being mafia.

10 players, 2 mafia. That means there is a 1/5 chance that if you picked a person at random that you'd get a mafia member. If you pick two then you'd have a 2/5 (40%) chance of picking a mafia member. 
Man, I log in to find @SaltySteve trying to implicate me with some fuzzy math. Well at least it made my day 1 vote easier.

read: @Salty sounds like he's full of it

vote: @chart94, I vote for @SaltySteve

Hello folks! Hope you all have a great 4th wknd. July the 4th be with you? Or something?

Drunk scientist who is "totally a TOWNIE!!!!" vs. Bear so far. 

Curious what you were thinking @DuranDuran, with your suspicions, since barely anything has happened yet.
I have 1 mini hunch as well (not bunches of hunches).

actually you were off by 14%. trying to throw of the townies by your shoddy calculations. + suspish.
@NikR_PEWas Salt mafia last time he offered extensive calcs to town? 
@ChebyshevII PE So far I haven't ever gotten a read on bly's posts... They're typically about salmon or contain pictures of woodland creatures
@jean15paul_PE How are you feeling about your chances this game?

Hello folks! Hope you all have a great 4th wknd. July the 4th be with you? Or something?

Drunk scientist who is "totally a TOWNIE!!!!" vs. Bear so far. 

Curious what you were thinking @DuranDuran, with your suspicions, since barely anything has happened yet.
I have 1 mini hunch as well (not bunches of hunches).
It has mostly to do with reading what people post.  

For example, when @vhab49_PE and @jean15paul_PE were mafia, Vhab attempted to post a "game relevant" analysis and in doing so, call herself out as a townie.  She said, "I'm taking myself off the suspect list because I know I'm a townie."  Now, that sounds innocent and might be the right thing to say to deflect, but something bothered me about that statement (or maybe I've been reading too many Lee Child novels).  

Vhab could have said, "I'm a townie", or "I'm a regular townie" or "I'm leaving myself off the suspect list because I'm a townie."  Or, "I'm not mafia".  Any of that would have done the job.  But instead, she said, "I KNOW I'm a townie."  Almost like, I investigated myself and found out I'm a townie (because I'm NOT a townie and maybe someone SHOULD investigate).  It almost sounded like it subconsciously came out of guilt, as if she was aware what she was saying was wrong so she was trying to convince herself (as well as the audience) that she was a townie...."I KNOW I'm a townie."  lol just sounded strange so I called her out on it.

Later, after we found out she was mafia and we were all trying to figure out the other mafia, I caught JP writing something verbatim to what Vhab said.  It was a small thing, but too much of a thing to be purely coincidence.  Either one told the other what to say and repeated it publicly, or they shared something in a PM and without realizing said the exact same thing, almost like they planned to say it but failed to coordinate who should say it, so they both did.

So there is an example of my analysis.  I have no special powers this round, just a regular townie.  I only voted for Salty this round because he asked.  I have no other reason so suspect him.  

I have my eye on someone else.

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