EB Mafia

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There's several folks really quiet today. Hard to get a read about that. Must be the holiday weekend; thought there might be a little more activity. Guess not. But by the process of elimination, and looking at active contestants...

@chart94, I'm voting for @RBHeadge PE as he has turned "busty" over the course of the day. Hard for a fish to have a bust line. 

I'm pretty busty today.......

Well crap.  The round isn't over so we haven't gotten the mafia cleared out.

It is possible that one defaulted out but we won't know until after the round is finished. 

Let's get these scab contractors outta this remodel. 

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Are you sure???

I think you mean busy. 

I've been cracking and stacking firewood today.
ok, wtf! I triple checked it when I posted it, that it said "busy".


@SaltySteve was arguing about what color to paint the walls. He wanted lime green. @RBHeadge PE was insistent on dark blue while @NikR_PE @jean15paul_PE and @DuranDuran wanted to do more of a mellow yellow. Things got heated when @jean15paul_PE told @SaltySteve he had the fashion sense of a blind 16th century beggar. @RBHeadge PE adds that he is wearing last years shoe model so his opinion is invalid. As they continue to scream, nobody seems to notice the paint cans precariously perched on top of a ladder. All 5 begin pushing and shoving. @SaltySteve crashes into the ladder and a paint can falls from the top, crushing his head. 
RB was correct, dark blue was the best color. 

Crap. Reads: not much different than yesterday, unfortunately.

@squaretaper LIT AF PE isn’t around to claim that he is mafia, so that’s a little weird.

@Roarbark, @RBHeadge PE, @jean15paul_PE, and @blybrook PE seem to be playing normally; I tend to have a hard time reading them.

@NikR_PE has been kinda quiet. Not terribly unusual or suspicious.

So I think I’ll start out the morning by voting... @chart94 I pick @squaretaper LIT AF PE until other information comes to light.
I have a hard time reading literally everyone this game. 

And I completely forgot about EB since today was a holiday. Alas poor fish-yorick and coyotoe-yorick, and square-yorick. Oops.

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Only 4 players left. If we're playing tournament rules, the mafia would win if it was 2 v 2. So that means there can only be 1 mafia left. 

If 2 townies get eliminated, then mafia wins at 1v1.

If any JOATs are left, now is the time to share what you know.

Also are we playing over the weekend?
