EB Mafia

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I think people are reading a bit too much into this. It was a defensive act. People vote, counter vote, and rescind votes all the time on day 1. We've all done it before, and we know it will happen again.  It's regrettable that it didn't deescalate last night; instead we lost a valuable player and wasted a lynching opportunity.
I'm not necessarily reading into it, I just wanted to see what you'd say about it.

Sorry guys. I crashed a little after dinner because I didn't get much sleep last night.

Final vote

3x @RBHeadge PE (JayKay, Cheby, Salty)

2x @JayKay PE (chart, RB)

@RBHeadge PE was killed by the town. While the undertaker was processing his fishy body. They found lots of mafia tats... so they decided to flush him down the toilet.

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Woohoo! (Sorry, RB.)

@ChebyshevII PE is out celebrating the eliminating of a mafia member. Being a good sport, the very dead @RBHeadge PE makes a toast to his opponent and seemingly bows out gracefully.  @ChebyshevII PE is having way too much fun to notice that this martini is both heavier and more bitter than normal. Even in his very much dead state, @RBHeadge PE managed to slip some highly radioactive Polonium-210 into @ChebyshevII PE's martini. 

As @ChebyshevII PE's liver and spleen slowly transition from solid to liquid <something something>, he realizes <something something> 103 kids.    **INSERT EPIC PLOT TWIST**

@ChebyshevII PE was killed by the mafia last night. 

The remaining players are: @chart94 @JayKay PE @MadamPirate PE @NikR_PE @Roarbark @SaltySteve

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As @ChebyshevII PE's liver and spleen slowly transition from solid to liquid <something something>, he realizes <something something> 103 kids.    **INSERT EPIC PLOT TWIST**
You gotta sell that to M. Night Shamalamadingdong.

Nice though looks like we'll have some voting data to worth with next couple days. 

I vote for @JayKay PE @jean15paul_PE as her behavior of coming out swinging seems unusual.
Hahahaha, since I have training in the morning/I'm slowly getting consumed by the gym and Animal Crossing in the afternoons and evening, I'm really only able to be on EB early in the morning for around an hour (when everyone seems to be asleep).  So I'm trying to be more active than last week, when I'd forget, log on at 8:30pm to vote, and just pick who was the most recent poster.  But it does mean that all my voting has to do with the previous days data...which is not great.  This is how I used to play before I kept getting killed the first day/night, got discouraged, and then started modding.

Roar hasn't voted for anyone, but seems to have a lot of comments...*squinty eyes* @jean15paul_PE, I vote for @Roarbark

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Alright, here's my vote analysis. We have 3 people alive that voted last night. Me, JK, and Chart. 

Town Lean+ (JK, Me)

Town Lean (Chart)

RoarBark & NikR both havent voted at all. Even though they have both been active and replied to questions.

Mafia Lean+ (Roar, Nik)

Then we have MadamP who voted JK the first night and nothing the second. I don't really have much thought on that yet. @MadamPirate PE any reason why you didn't vote last night. Would you care to give use a read list on the remaining players?

Alright, here's my vote analysis. We have 3 people alive that voted last night. Me, JK, and Chart. 

Town Lean+ (JK, Me)

Town Lean (Chart)

RoarBark & NikR both havent voted at all. Even though they have both been active and replied to questions.

Mafia Lean+ (Roar, Nik)

Then we have MadamP who voted JK the first night and nothing the second. I don't really have much thought on that yet. @MadamPirate PE any reason why you didn't vote last night. Would you care to give use a read list on the remaining players?
The new vice presidents for my company were in town, and it was highly suggested I go out for beers with them. I ended up staying longer than intended because storm rolled in and I didn't want to drive in it. Sorry, folks.

I'm honestly not sure who to vote for this round, it's been tough. 

Alright, here's my vote analysis. We have 3 people alive that voted last night. Me, JK, and Chart. 

Town Lean+ (JK, Me)

Town Lean (Chart)

RoarBark & NikR both havent voted at all. Even though they have both been active and replied to questions.

Mafia Lean+ (Roar, Nik)

Then we have MadamP who voted JK the first night and nothing the second. I don't really have much thought on that yet. @MadamPirate PE any reason why you didn't vote last night. Would you care to give use a read list on the remaining players?
This is a fair assessment. I usually comment in the morning and plan to revisit and the vote later.  But daddy duties and work are keeping me busy.

To avoid that, @jean15paul_PE i vote for @MadamPirate PE. I will try to come back in the evening and may change this based on any additional info.
