EB Mafia

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@JayKay PE and @NikR_PE walk into @MadamPirate PE's "Tarot and Hookah Emporium" admiring the beautiful glasswork on some of the Midwest's finest hookahs. 

"Can I help you?" @MadamPirate PE says with a smile. She always made it a point to great her guests... good karma and everything.

"No, just browsing." @JayKay PE replies, returning the smile.

@NikR_PE continued browsing the various Tarot card sets. While @JayKay PE seemed intent on finding a hookah that was both beautiful and large enough for her daily constitutional.

@chart94 was already at the checkout futon asking @MadamPirate PE about new arrivals. He always claims to be waiting for the perfect pipe, but @MadamPirate PE knows he just likes to hang out. That's fine, she's in it for the people, not the money. That's why she doesn't have counters, she didn't want anything separating her from the customers.

She didn't choose this career; the universe chose her.

Though @NikR_PE and @JayKay PE were on opposite sides of the store with their backs to each other, as the last customers leaves, they simultaneously turn and approach the checkout futon. 

"Actually we do have a question," said @NikR_PE. "We hear that you offer additional services... not listed on the placard?"

"Where'd you hear that?"


@MadamPirate PE is pretty sure that she knows what the internet is, but she never goes online. She prefers in-person interaction.

"What do you need?" she asked.

@JayKay PE jumped in, "Our Grammie recently passed. We need to talk to her. Unfinished business to resolve."

"I didn't have you pegged for siblings." @MadamPirate PE inquired.

"Cousins," said @NikR_PE abruptly.

"That must be it...... Follow me."

@MadamPirate PE really didn't enjoy doing seances because they rarely result in closure. But again, the universe chose her for this life.

"Did you bring a personal effect?" @MadamPirate PE asked as the two strangers followed her to the seance room.

"We have her pocket watch. She always wore it."

"Ok, sit here," @MadamPirate PE instructed as she lit the incense and candles, and turned off the lights. @MadamPirate PE proceeded with the standard incantations, calling upon spirits and blessings the universe. Slowly a shadowy figure begin to appear. 

@MadamPirate PE suddenly cut off her chants as she realized that she was staring at a large multi-ocular minnow.

"That is not your Grammie!"

@JayKay PE and @NikR_PE completely ignore her.

"@RBHeadge PE, what do we do?"

"You're so close. One more kill and you have enough power to control the town."

"STOP IT! THIS IS NOT COOL!" screamed @MadamPirate PE

"But who should we kill?"

"It doesn't matter. Any townie will be one less vote to worry about."


Slowly both @NikR_PE and @JayKay PE gazed fixes upon @MadamPirate PE.

"Nope!!!" exclaims @MadamPirate PE. Then she dashes for the exit. 

The resulting struggle woke @SaltySteve, who lives in the apartment above the store. But by the time he got downstairs all that was left was a broken hookah, @MadamPirate PE's body, and a growing pool of blood.

"I wonder if she cashed my rent check yet?" @SaltySteve wasn't the emotional type.

@MadamPirate PE was killed by the mafia. 


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@JayKay PE, @NikR_PE, and @RBHeadge PE were mafia.

@blybrook PE and @chart94 were JOAT

Sorry for handicapping the town by getting the ratio wrong. 
I feel horrible for lying, but I also did have training this week, so I was going to be sporadic whatever role I had.

Still have training.  So this'll prob be my only mafia post for the day.  


It's okay, my hair is also a higher priority than the lives of my neighbors. 
Oops, I mean 👻
I have to apologize to @Roarbark as i motioned him the first day and no motion was detected. I had forgot when i voted for him the other day. I have been a tad distracted out here on my trip. So i shall shoulder the blame for this shamless defeat! I apologize Roar!!

Honestly the town was very close to getting off to a great start. Yall almost killed @RBHeadge PE on day 1. And @blybrook PE tracked @JayKay PE on day one. That could have been 2 big blows to the mafia. But then @RBHeadge PE won rock paper scissors, and the mafia got lucky by killing @blybrook PE before he could act on his Intel.
I was hoping someone would listen and vote with me when I refused to back down after @RBHeadge PE's "mutual disarmament" proposal. 

Edit: Actually looking back, it was probably too close to voting time to convince someone other than @SaltySteve to vote with me and I couldn't offer any evidence of RB's status other than my own "reads".

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