EB Mafia

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RB is acting a little outside of his normal play this round. It’s extremely unusual for him to cast a retaliatory vote, and even rarer that he would make a statement about “mutual disarmament.”

@jean15paul_PE I vote @RBHeadge PE also.
That may be true. @RBHeadge PE why the retaliatory vote?

I mean, is there any other way of killing a bear?  They're built like tanks, but with a hankering for salmon.  🙂🙃🙂
Poison? Heartbreak, maybe?

That may be true. @RBHeadge PE why the retaliatory vote?
I think people are reading a bit too much into this. It was a defensive act. People vote, counter vote, and rescind votes all the time on day 1. We've all done it before, and we know it will happen again.  It's regrettable that it didn't deescalate last night; instead we lost a valuable player and wasted a lynching opportunity.

I mean, is there any other way of killing a bear?  They're built like tanks, but with a hankering for salmon.  🙂🙃🙂
Trapping, hit by a car/truck, dropping a tree on them, drowning (not normal, but happens); hit by a boat, and others.
