EB Mafia

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I mean. JP is clean. And So is Roar. AND SO AM I!!!!

Oh, and also, so was DuranDuran, but obv...

Unless I am reading the signs and rules incorrectly at least.

So the mafia options are:






Interesting. I'll just say this. REDACTED and I'm pretty sure that Chart is mafia just based on a gut feeling. JK is clean.

@vhab49_PE what was your action on 6/3?

(Strikethrough by Roarbark)

Unless I am reading the signs and rules incorrectly at least.

So the mafia options are:






I used Motion Detect Friday on MP and saw no motion. I've got the tracker action left before my abilities reset.

I've cleared JP, JK, and MP. 

That leaves @Roarbark and @squaretaper LIT AF PE.
Wait a minute. Something fishing is going on. My spidey senses are tingling.

History of relevant intel. (referring to myself in 3rd person for consistency/transparency)

@SaltySteve, I'm going to need you to make this make sense to me. Because right now it feels like you're trying to play us.


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Wait a minute. Something fishing is going on. My spidey senses are tingling.

History of relevant intel. (referring to myself in 3rd person for consistency/transparency)

@SaltySteve, I'm going to need you to make this make sense to me. Because right now it feel like you're trying to play us.


Wait a minute. Something fishing is going on. My spidey senses are tingling.

History of relevant intel. (referring to myself in 3rd person for consistency/transparency)

@SaltySteve, I'm going to need you to make this make sense to me. Because right now it feel like you're trying to play us.

Vhab never had a chance to tell us how she cleared the people she did. I can only give you the info I have. These have been my investigations up until now.

6/1 Tracker on JK - Tracked player did not use a night action

6/2 Saved Duran cause he's often killed by the second night. I was trying to save my motion detect until I had something to go on.

6/3 Motion detect on JP cause I was suspicious of him - Saw motion, thought he was mafia until vhab confirmed she had saved him that night which shows as motion.

6/4 Saved JK

6/5 Motion detect on MP - No Motion

Maybe I've misinterpreted something in there but thats how I cleared people.

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I used Motion Detect Friday on MP and saw no motion. I've got the tracker action left before my abilities reset.
I've cleared JP, JK, and MP. 
That leaves @Roarbark and @squaretaper LIT AF PE.
Hold up, what? Something has been misinterpreted by Salt or Vhab, (or someone is impersonating JOAT).

Wait a minute. Something fishing is going on. My spidey senses are tingling.

History of relevant intel. (referring to myself in 3rd person for consistency/transparency)

@SaltySteve, I'm going to need you to make this make sense to me. Because right now it feels like you're trying to play us.
Yes, see my above. Not sure what you mean with the "Today" bullet points. 

Vhab never had a chance to tell us how she cleared the people she did. I can only give you the info I have. These have been my investigations up until now.

6/1 Tracker on JK - Tracked player did not use a night action
6/2 Saved Duran cause he's often killed by the second night. I was trying to save my motion detect until I had something to go on.
6/3 Motion detect on JP cause I was suspicious of him - Saw motion, thought he was mafia until vhab confirmed she had saved him that night which shows as motion.
6/4 Saved JK
6/5 Motion detect on MP - No Motion

Maybe I've misinterpreted something in there but thats how I cleared people.
  (Aside: gameplay wise I love this interaction on 6/3/20. Dramatic!!!) Regarding me only, I asked Vhab: 

Maybe the JOAT that said I'm clean can share what investigation they did on me.
VHAB said

Tracked player did not use a night action.

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So here's the bigger issue thats bugging me and throwing my assumptions off. If vhab used the doctor action on @jean15paul_PE on 6/3 my detect motion action would show motion if JP was mafia or not.

So JP may actually still be in question as far as my investigations go.

I've proven myself as the other JOAT, there's no way I would have know that vhab had tried to save you on 6/3 otherwise before they answered my questions publicly. 

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! Yes the game starts at 8PM tonight.


I can't discuss the game at all outside the official thread and I don't want to be disqualified. This will be my last and only post about it until the round is over.
Good luck RB! 2/5

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So here's the bigger issue thats bugging me and throwing my assumptions off. If vhab used the doctor action on @jean15paul_PE on 6/3 my detect motion action would show motion if JP was mafia or not.

So JP may actually still be in question as far as my investigations go.

I've proven myself as the other JOAT, there's no way I would have know that vhab had tried to save you on 6/3 otherwise before they answered my questions publicly. 
Yeah I thought of that. But jean was also in vhab's "cleared" list. Though she didn't explicitly report how she cleared him. 3/5

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Also forgot we were still playing this round. I'm going to be pretty busy this week probably! Not that I'm acting like it so far 🙄. 5/5

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