EB Mafia

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So here's the bigger issue thats bugging me and throwing my assumptions off. If vhab used the doctor action on @jean15paul_PE on 6/3 my detect motion action would show motion if JP was mafia or not.
Neutrally spreaking:

Motion Detector is a weak investigative power. It often leads to ambiguities. 

Any one or combination of these things will detect motion on player X.

X is mafia and nightkills a third player.

X is mafia and is tracked/protected/motion detected by another JoAT

X is a townie and is tracked/protected/motion detected by another JoAT.

X is a JoAT and tracks/doctors/motion detects a third player.

By comparison tracker is closer to our traditonal cop. It will either say X performed an action on Y. Or X did not perform an action. The latter indicates townie or a JoAT who didn't use an action. The former will usually, but not always, imply mafia or joat depending on if player Y is nightkilled or not.

Neutrally spreaking:

Motion Detector is a weak investigative power. It often leads to ambiguities. 

Any one or combination of these things will detect motion on player X.

X is mafia and nightkills a third player.

X is mafia and is tracked/protected/motion detected by another JoAT

X is a townie and is tracked/protected/motion detected by another JoAT.

X is a JoAT and tracks/doctors/motion detects a third player.

By comparison tracker is closer to our traditonal cop. It will either say X performed an action on Y. Or X did not perform an action. The latter indicates townie or a JoAT who didn't use an action. The former will usually, but not always, imply mafia or joat depending on if player Y is nightkilled or not.
The best info you can get from motion detect is "no motion" if I understand correctly. Then they can be eliminated as suspect. 

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Hmmm. interesting.

So there still seems to be some ambiguity.

For whatever it's worth. I'm a townie. I guess I can't prove it, since there's some question about how it was done. I guess since @vhab49_PE is ded, she can't reveal any new info.

If a JOAT listed me on the cleared list and I was mafia, then I definitely would not call it into question. #ImJustSaying


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Hold up, what? Something has been misinterpreted by Salt or Vhab, (or someone is impersonating JOAT).

Yes, see my above. Not sure what you mean with the "Today" bullet points. 

  (Aside: gameplay wise I love this interaction on 6/3/20. Dramatic!!!) Regarding me only, I asked Vhab: 

VHAB said
The stuff under "today" was the claims made by @SaltySteve today... in contrast to what was said last week.


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Vhab never had a chance to tell us how she cleared the people she did. I can only give you the info I have. These have been my investigations up until now.

6/1 Tracker on JK - Tracked player did not use a night action

6/2 Saved Duran cause he's often killed by the second night. I was trying to save my motion detect until I had something to go on.

6/3 Motion detect on JP cause I was suspicious of him - Saw motion, thought he was mafia until vhab confirmed she had saved him that night which shows as motion.

6/4 Saved JK

6/5 Motion detect on MP - No Motion

Maybe I've misinterpreted something in there but thats how I cleared people.
Hmmm. @SaltySteve responses today have me inclined to believe him. I wanted you to post your history of ability each night, but didn't want to ask for it. I figured if you were lying, then you wouldn't have volunteered it. Extra info to catch in a lie or something.

Also all your logic in your conclusions makes sense to me. Although I question saving an uninvestigated player on day 2

Now I'm leaning toward maybe @vhab49_PE misinterpreted something. Again, I don't think she's lying because she was nightkilled. I wish we had her full history of abilities, but I guess she can't tell us now.

Assuming @SaltySteve is JOAT and is telling the truth and assuming @vhab49_PE is JOAT, but could have misinterpreted a result

I assume that @vhab49_PE used some ability on me and on @Roarbark to label us as cleared. I'm guessing she tracked me and motion detected Roar ... because I know I'm a townie and there's more ambiguity around motion.

That would imply that @squaretaper LIT AF PE and @Roarbark are mafia.

The plot thickens


Strange. I thought I had a reading on MP, (without any JOAT stuff), but you said there was no motion, so so much for that. 

@jean15paul_PE, nice try, but VHAB specifically said she tracked me. I'm with you on everything else you said. 6/5

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I love this though, very contentious.

I haven't reviewed recently, but is it really just us 3? 
Chart was mafia, so 2 maf left. Only person uncleared by JOATs (before assuming misinterpret) is Square, so he should be first to go. 1 maf left.

If it's really only us two that could be the misinterpreted folks, then it's my word against yours, which is fun. I am town, so if that's all true, I know that you're the last mafia. 

At this point, Mafia would 100% just want to blend in and slip by with the possible misinterpret, so they would vote for square (which everyone except the litmeister himself has 😛). 
However, even if they do survive an additional round, the townies still have more than enough information, no? All that will happen is another townie casualty or two. 

Is that all right? 7/5

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I love this though, very contentious.

I haven't reviewed recently, but is it really just us 3? 
Chart was mafia, so 2 maf left. Only person uncleared by JOATs (before assuming misinterpret) is Square, so he should be first to go. 1 maf left.

If it's really only us two that could be the misinterpreted folks, then it's my word against yours, which is fun. I am town, so if that's all true, I know that you're the last mafia. 

At this point, Mafia would 100% just want to blend in and slip by with the possible misinterpret, so they would vote for square (which everyone except the litmeister himself has 😛). 
However, even if they do survive an additional round, the townies still have more than enough information, no? All that will happen is another townie casualty or two. 

Is that all right? 7/5
This is interesting. I know I'm a townie. At this point I"m out of insight and am just looking to see how this plays out. I wish @RBHeadge PE was still alive to help us. :)

At this point @squaretaper LIT AF PE fate seems to be sealed, so i wouldn't put too much stock into the votes. How many of us are left? 6? This is the best summary I can come up with.

If I wasn't me, I'd probably vote for @squaretaper LIT AF PE and @jean15paul_PE because those seem to be the most ambiguous. But I know I'm a townie, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

