EB Mafia

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Screw the HOA!
I assume you ate the rest, your beariness

Neato analysis!

Honest tip: Current game in play notwithstanding, and just so no one wastes too much time, I wouldn't take ANYTHING I say very seriously (in any round) if you're trying to actually solve the game. I'm here for socializing and distraction only.

That said, totes maf.

 🎵 If one pawn could move along to reach the 8th rank, to resurrect / with the grace of a queen she will receive and reflect 🎵

*video snip*

Edit: No one probably cares, but...
J-Live's lyrics can be kinda ... abstruse upon first listen, so

Verse 1: Get the third eye i.e. the mind
about a relationship based around intellect and growth

Verse 2: Get the third leg i.e. the dick
about a relations based only around sex

Verse 3: Get the third finger i.e. fuck you
about a breakup

People disagree if it's supposed to be the decline and end of a single relationship or if it's supposed to be 3 separate relationships due to conflicting lyrics in the song. I prefer the first interpretation
Are we doing old(-ish) hip hop?

Deep dive on @squaretaper LIT AF PE

He's claimed to be mafia every round for a couple months now. The only round he didn't claim mafia was the round he actually was mafia.

.................[Logic stuff omitted to save space]

I'm inclined to remove him from lynching consideration tonight.
Actually didn't see this deep dive before I voted, but agree (as demonstrated by my vote, albeit which much less logical thought put into it). 

Also observed the only time he didn't claim mafia was when he was mafia. (I was mafia too that round, and may have pointed it out in private channel...)
Either way, erratic and kind of a gamble.

(I did my part/5)

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