EB Mafia

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So if I'm following this correctly, JK is saying that the mafia is made up of vhab, duran, and (maybe) square?
I don't think duran is mafia/never implied they were.

Vhab is def mafia.  Noticeably silent now that I've called them out twice in a row.

Square says they're mafia, but most likely not.  Still not sure if they're kidding or not.

...This is exhausting being a townie.

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I don't think duran is mafia/never implied they were.

Vhab is def mafia.  Noticeably silent now that I've called them out twice in a row.

Square says they're mafia, but most likely not.  Still not sure if they're kidding or not.

...This is exhausting being a townie.
I think @RBHeadge PE was referring to this:

jaykay 5-21-20.jpg

Which is why you're usually not this engaging when you're a regular townie.  You're usually most engaging when you're mod or mafia or special role.
Actually, I usually am.  Earlier rounds/last year I would always try to go ALL IN FOR THE TOWNIES.

But then I kept getting killed in the first round...

As for being most engaging when I'm a mod...isn't that part of the job?  I usually try to mod when I'm not buried under work/I have more time getting on the site.

Actually, I usually am.  Earlier rounds/last year I would always try to go ALL IN FOR THE TOWNIES.

But then I kept getting killed in the first round...

As for being most engaging when I'm a mod...isn't that part of the job?  I usually try to mod when I'm not buried under work/I have more time getting on the site.
Yes all true.  I'm just making observations, mainly to encourage whoever has special abilities to get more info.  

Okay.  Assuming both JoATs are still alive (technically, either @Audi driver, P.E. or @Roarbark could have been a JoAT), we've had two nights.

First night they could have used motion detector or tracker.  I'm assuming Chebs told them not to use doctor, since we all knew the audi was dying first.

If they used motion detector OR tracker on the first night and had a positive response (i.e., someone had motion or the tracker player used a night action), the person who was tracked or motion detector would pretty much be a confirmed mafia (since nobody else would be moving or need to be tacked, simple townies safe in their homes).  This is a big plus for the townies in Tournament play.

The second night gets interesting since it means the doctor role could have been put into play since you need to use the three skills before you can re-use.  So if someone used a doctor role it is possible that they could have been checked by the other JoAT and shown as using a night action/tracked and being mistake for a mafia.

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Okay.  Assuming both JoATs are still alive (technically, either @Audi driver, P.E. or @Roarbark could have been a JoAT), we've had two nights.

First night they could have used motion detector or tracker.  I'm assuming Chebs told them not to use doctor, since we all knew the audi was dying first.

If they used motion detector OR tracker on the first night and had a positive response (i.e., someone had motion or the tracker player used a night action), the person who was tracked or motion detector would pretty much be a confirmed mafia (since nobody else would be moving or need to be tacked, simple townies safe in their homes).  This is a big plus for the townies in Tournament play.

The second night gets interesting since it means the doctor role could have been put into play since you need to use the three skills before you can re-use.  So if someone used a doctor role it is possible that they could have been checked by the other JoAT and shown as using a night action/tracked and being mistake for a mafia.
Ok I have a problem with the first night.  By problem, I mean I'd like to have a clear understanding what went on.

@ChebyshevII PE, you said or implied the mafia got an automatic nightkill against Audi.  Fair enough, since he didn't ask to play, but you also implied "yes" when someone asked if he could be tracked that first night.  So I want to know:

1.  Was Audi a regular townie (so as to not affect the balance of the game)?

2.  Were special roles in play during Night 1?  If so, the JOATs could have put a track on Audi and find out who targeted him.  Am I correct in saying this?

3.  If #2 is true, that puts a serious disadvantage to the mafia.  

I figured the mod would have just instituted an automatic "nightkill" or "left town" on Audi to just get it out of the way without affecting the game.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong in any of the above.  Thanks!

Ok I have a problem with the first night.  By problem, I mean I'd like to have a clear understanding what went on.

@ChebyshevII PE, you said or implied the mafia got an automatic nightkill against Audi.  Fair enough, since he didn't ask to play, but you also implied "yes" when someone asked if he could be tracked that first night.  So I want to know:

1.  Was Audi a regular townie (so as to not affect the balance of the game)?

2.  Were special roles in play during Night 1?  If so, the JOATs could have put a track on Audi and find out who targeted him.  Am I correct in saying this?

3.  If #2 is true, that puts a serious disadvantage to the mafia.  

I figured the mod would have just instituted an automatic "nightkill" or "left town" on Audi to just get it out of the way without affecting the game.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong in any of the above.  Thanks!
I can't answer 1 or 3, but for No.2 if the JoAT used either of the skills on Audi the reactions would have been as follows (assuming they're a normal Townie or a JoAT who didn't use a skill):

Motion Detector: "Motion detected" (because someone visited them); and

Tacker: "Tracked player did not use a night action" (because audi didn't use any skills or whatever, this would be the same response if the were a JoAT that didn't use a skill).

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Ok I have a problem with the first night.  By problem, I mean I'd like to have a clear understanding what went on.

@ChebyshevII PE, you said or implied the mafia got an automatic nightkill against Audi.  Fair enough, since he didn't ask to play, but you also implied "yes" when someone asked if he could be tracked that first night.  So I want to know:

1.  Was Audi a regular townie (so as to not affect the balance of the game)?

2.  Were special roles in play during Night 1?  If so, the JOATs could have put a track on Audi and find out who targeted him.  Am I correct in saying this?

3.  If #2 is true, that puts a serious disadvantage to the mafia.  

I figured the mod would have just instituted an automatic "nightkill" or "left town" on Audi to just get it out of the way without affecting the game.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong in any of the above.  Thanks!
1. IDK

2. This question implies an assumption about the Tracker role. Bear in mind that the tracker only learns if the targeted player used a night action, and on which player, and NOT if a night action was performed on them. Motion detector, on the other hand, can get a "yes" if the targeted player was either performing a night action or the target of a night action, but this isn't quite as useful. Therefore, I saw no problem allowing JoATs to use their actions on night 1.

3. N/A

Whereas if a mafia member was motion detected or tracked on the first night would have given the following answers:

Motion Detector: "Motion detected" (because they visited them); and

Tacker: "Tracked player did use a night action" (because they used a night skill)

Unfortunately, these would be the same responses for a JoAT that was using their skills...

*Points below are made from a neutral game arbiter standpoint, and not as a player.*

re: point 2 and 3:) If it were possible for the JOATs to do actions on night 1 (and I don't see anything in the thread rules saying it can't happen), then I would hope that there would have been some restrictions on joat actions on audi. If there weren't restrictions, then I hope that the JOAT players would have recognized that performing actions on audi would have been akin to cheating and wouldn't have done so.

*speaking as a townie*

I sure hopes the JOATS tracked audi on night one. Let's start the lynching!

*speaking as a townie that is using this round to prepare for the tourney and personally likes the challenge of figuring things out*

see point above as a neutral game arbiter.
