EB Mafia

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Lol he knows I'm poking fun.

Yay! How can we spectate? Or do you know yet?
I believe the game is on a publicly viewable thread. But during the game, I can NOT discuss it with anyone else in any manner, nor can anyone assist me in playing the game.

BTW, as part of my learning and observation I will be PMing random players during the round to ask about their thoughts and comments on gameplay, and ig they are engaging in any strategy. If you see me pm'ing someone, you should NOT view it as an indication of them playing a special role.
That's as suspish a statement as I've ever seen on here, as in ALL TIME suspish.
This is true. @Roarbark brought this up in the mafia thread that those caught using PMs would be id'd as having a special role. I made the post above to give cover to everyone. And I did in fact ask people for their thoughts during the game.

Here are my notes from looking at only this thread. The formatting needs work, but idc. My notes are written from two viewpoints.

The top half of the days' notes are my neutral observations on gameplay and strategy. My goal here is to look at strategies and try to examine text for 'tells.' I use chess notation for certain moves - some notation added after the fact

The second half of day's notes are me trying to assess who is what role. While I was omnipotent this round, these assessments are based only on what was written in the thread.

Day 1 notes
5 people claim not-mafia status
8+ not saying either way
OT talks are good for getting people to sympathize with you. But of no logical use for determining roles
Jean is the first to make an accusation
I don't know why cheb was nightkilled the first night. There wasn't any strategic reason I can see. Pretty much, any player besides Jean could have been killed without arousing suspicion of a mafia member.

No useful info for predicting roles

Day 2 notes
Salty coming out strong with questions
vhab "good day for mafia" post could be easily misinterpreted
duran first to make a vote, based on something useful if misinterpreted
jean with the rando vote
salty noticing lack of responses to questions
and the pile-on jean starts for no good reason
Jean is certainly townie. (hereafter I use the terminology 'super')
a few meaningless votes at the end to seal the deal
square has to be careful with his "one of these is a lie" statements. A casual reader could misinterpret
joat down!

people ever slightly tilting not mafia by posts: (?=statement that could be read different ways, each + is an action that makes me think they are townie)

Day 3 notes
still a lot of OT stuff that doesn't help gameplay
I do like goat cheese though
tj starts the first vote of the day. There is at least some basis her choice
salty makes a vote with some loose logic
duran is providing valuable in game analysis
MP brings up a good point, but is she allied with Lycee? (?)
tj counters MP (?!)
If this was "Who's line is it anyway?" I'd award bonus points to Duran for creating "The Legend of RBHeadge"
Screw it, I'll award him 30 bonus points anyway
MP hints that she's mafia by confronting Duran on his joke to get me to reveal roles (??)
bly asks about game mechanics. Not sure I can read anything from this
jean is making decent (if bitter and deserved) points
MP trying to defend lycee (?)
roar votes to save/tie lycee (?)
why didn't lycee save herself? She was online around the vote ending. (??)
ditto chart

lean townie

lean mafia

lycee and MP
lycee and roar?

not allies
tj and MP
chart and roar

Day 4 notes
tj with the first vote again
Salty provides some game analysis. The underlying logic is built on a (faulty) assumption, but lets be generous and call it a gut feeling. (?!)
-He accuses chart, MP, and himself!. While a little counter intuitive, the fact that he calls himself out as possible mafia leads me to think he's townie.
-it's counter intuitive but his analysis should keep him from getting immediately nightkilled
duran is super townie
vhab accuses salty. I can understand why
And there goes the other joat....

likely townie

likely mafia

tilt mafia

tilt town

not allies
salty and vhab
salty and chart/MP

Day 5 notes
MP trying to pivot suspicion toward salty (!!)
Has salty figured it out? I think so
roar is playing things up a bit (?)
Not surprised Salty got lynched. Mafia deflected well here.
I can see why vhab was nightkilled, but if I were mafia and playing EB rules I would have taken her into the next round (?!)

likely mafia

likely town

tilt town

not allies
tj and txjen?
txjen and mp?
vhab and salty?

Day 6 notes
In the tourney the mafia would have won overnight.
At this point is should be obvious at the start of the day that MP is mafia. See who her ally is to figure out other mafia
Tj is super townie
MP is trying to deflect again (?!)
roar is clearly mafia

If I were a jury member, I would have to vote for someone to advance. Five people should advance in the tourney. I would only get one vote so I'll vote five times for effect. My votes for advancement would be for: Roar, Duran, MP, and maybe Salty and Jean. Best player: Duran. MVP: Roar.
