EB Mafia

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I did not receive a RPS PM from @txjennah PE so...


@Roarbark borked aggressively at the blood-stained walls of the HOA meeting space.  Crumpled at their feet was @txjennah PE, whose throat had been ripped out when they wouldn't sign on the line for a 50% increase in dog parks within the neighborhood.  @Roarbark borked again, pressing a careful pawprint to the bottom of the HOA contract stating that they were to sole HOA board member and would make all executive decisions.


Bork reigns supreme.

@Roarbark was mafia.  @Roarbark won.  Long live the bork.

Though balance-wise this no side convos would also hold true for Mafia side. 
In the tourney, PMs between the mafia are supposed to be to coordinate nightkill votes.

The lack of PMs definitely gives the mafia an advantage.  I don't like not having PMs (or outside e-mails) for the townies in our games.  It takes away some of the social aspect we enjoy (now that I've had a few days to play/monitor it).  It does introduce the shady strategy of monitoring each other's PM activity, but I think that's part of the fun.  No one knows for sure if we're PMing each other about mafia, PE Exam, SPAM thread, or other EB topics.  

I think our game (EB Mafia) is more balanced.  A few more tourney rounds are needed to help us learn the special roles and for townies to communicate publicly, but after the tournament is over I'm guessing we'll choose to go back to our rules.  
I'm ambivalent about the use of PMs in the EB game. On the one hand it's more challenging for the town. On the other hand, it's been a staple of our community since the first round. Further, as @DuranDuran pointed out, its part of our socializing and fun. 

Having fun should be the priority.

I'm truly surprised I made it this far. I would have voted to kill me off a round ago with the mounting evidence. I even lumped myself in with my suspicious list cause it just wasn't looking good. When Chart turned out to be a JOAT I knew I was dead. I had been on the voting side of two special characters lynching. Some times you suck as a townie. I did this round. Sorry guys.
I will save my notes for tomorrow, but my first read through was that you had a stronger game than you think. 

error: undefined

Very interesting for me as a mod this round, since I was able to wince at every poor decision.  

I feel like tournament rules make it very difficult for the town to win. Mafia get private communication. The JOAT get the special abilities but they have to cycle through them equally. so you only get solid evidence every 3 rounds and no way to form a voting block without getting yourself killed during the night kill.
Yeah, it skews it heavily toward mafia. 
But I do like the idea of replacing cop/doc with joats. That alone might balance out the use of PMs. Obviously something to discuss later. 

Something I was hoping to see this round was how townies would covertly assemble in full view. I saw some signs of that... but I'll save that for another post.

they also get the first kill
It makes more sense from a narrative standpoint. Gameplay... idk. It's sucks to be a townie voted off a few hours into the game.

Confused me too. Was why I voted for you, and making me stressed about this vote.& you did fine. It's risky/draws attention to point fingers like that. Which is why RB gets night killed pretty often, or only comes out strong when there's a town cabal, which we couldn't really make this time... (2/5)
Yep. Ditto for @ChebyshevII PE

I really need to figure out how to assemble a coalition in the open without getting killed immediatly. Luckily, players can still advance through the tournament even if they were killed during the game. They just have to show that they were a strong player.

Randomizer: 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1
The randomizer is the true townie VIP. It's taken out most of them.

I'm surprised that this round came down to a 1v1 random. With the no PM rule and both JoaTs making an early exit, I thought mafia was going to dominate.
Ideally it would be balanced chance of victory for each side. (although this is tough with team members changing. I believe so far based on game history, the town has much higher % victory? I haven't tracked, but in general it seems like town wins more often. There's been a couple games I was mafia where it felt like things were going really well, and then we ended up having a 25% or less chance of winning. 

Note that this single playthrough of the tournament rules is probably not representative of the general balance/feel. This game mafia got fairly lucky. Town lynched both JOATs before they shared any information. In general felt like a leadup that should heavily skew odds in Mafia's favor. We ended up with 75% odds of winning, so maybe this was appropriate/correct?

If lynch had gone differently on Day Whatever, when Salty died, our odds would have been very low though (I think my votes would have outed me at that point).

Randomly generate  a RPS to fight mine after the fact. I bet a banana cake that I lose.
For "fun" I randomly generated two RPS to pit against what I sent JayKay, and I lost both. 

In the tourney, PMs between the mafia are supposed to be to coordinate nightkill votes.
Not 100% sure, but I think I was talking about in person Mafia games when I wrote that.

Having fun should be the priority.

I really need to figure out how to assemble a coalition in the open without getting killed immediatly
Develop a (rapidly changing) code (which somehow excludes the randomly selected mafia)! 
RB: "Man, these pretzels are making me THIRSTY".
*Everyone proceeds to vote for Jean*

Alternately, lead a lynch vote for one of the JOATs, and the Mafia may spare you. 

Good game, townfolk :)

Edit sidenote: What's the point of winning as mafia if I never have Mi Familia to keep me company?

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