EB Mafia

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@ChebyshevII PE You've got more experience with this game offsite than the rest of us combined. Do other versions of the game prohibit PMs or external communication? Is all communication during the in-person party game always done out in the open? Or are side conversations allowed?
Speaking strictly from a forum standpoint, I think it varies from group to group.

In-person games, however, don't give people the luxury of communicating off-to-the-side (that I know of), since everyone is sitting in a circle in the same room. I've never played any games where side-conversations were allowed to happen, and even if they existed, I'm not sure how it would be done. I'm guessing that the rule about no PMs or outside communication is to simulate the in-person type of setup.

(This is also assuming that night/day isn't a literal night/day. All the in-person games I've played have been an entire game in one sitting, which usually lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour)

The town usually wins on EB. I don't know if it's because we know each other, we have a strong analytical background, or we've developed a website culture that tilts toward town (i.e. use of PMs and occasional offsite communication)?
It may be a little bit of everything. However, I think the townie alliance method contributes heavily to the skewed percentage. If we wanted to stick with this, one way to give the mafia a fighting chance is to assign additional mafia members, or introduce new mafia-allied roles.

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I've never played any games where side-conversations were allowed to happen, and even if they existed, I'm not sure how it would be done.
Mingling time between votes? Intermissions for bathrooms breaks,  getting more food, etc?

It may be a little bit of everything. However, I think the townie alliance method contributes heavily to the skewed percentage. If we wanted to stick with this, one way to give the mafia a fighting chance is to assign additional mafia members, or introduce new mafia-allied roles.
It's probably worth revisiting our default maf:town ratio, and power of the special characters, reveal time of investigation. Maybe in a month or so in the future.

I think some of our game culture has derived out of necessity. We've all got full time jobs and other committements in different time zones. We can't commit to round the clock play. It would be very difficult to enforce a minimum relevant post count. We'd very quickly lose players and viability for future games. 

We might even look into some rules for townie coalitions to speed up game play. There have been plenty of rounds where it was fait accompli, but we still had to play another two days. ex: whenever I posted the Doctor Strange  "We're in the endgame now" gif.   I'm just spitballing here. Maybe an "escape button" the coalition can press demonstrating that it's an inevitable outcome, but if it's pressed too soon and they're wrong, then the mafia wins automatically?

So...uh.  Things were not going well for the HOA.  It seemed with the decrease in residents meant that the monthly fees would be increasing exponentially.  @SaltySteve, who had somehow become the sole custodian if 103 youths, was enraged that the pool upgrades were not listed as an item on the upcoming agenda.  In fact, nothing on the agenda seemed to be inclined towards children.  Most suspicious was the 'sharp gravel and razor blade' playground that was proposed to be installed next spring.

Of course when @SaltySteve brought this up in front of the greatly diminished HOA board, a great yell occurred and they were promptly killed when a bucket of good semi-gloss acrylic coating made for industrial and marine applications fell on their head.  

The mass of children hissed at yet another caretaker being taken away from them; hoarding around the cooling body of @SaltySteve and scampering off into the distance.  What they would do with their body, it was unknown.  Probably barbaric.  Bork bork.

Victory of the child hoard was short lived, of course, when it was revealed @vhab49_PE wasn't alive at all!  They just had fashionable sunglasses on and were masterfully propped up against the table!  TRICKERY MOST FOUL.

Of course this meant another body in the mass grave that was hidden behind the model home.  It was getting a bit full, but they couldn't dig another grave.  That would just ruin the decor.


The remaining players are:

@txjennah PE@tj_PE@MadamPirate PE, and @Roarbark

Final vote:

@txjennah PE (tj)

@MadamPirate PE (txj, salty)

@SaltySteve (vhab, madam, roar)

i'm sorry, it's hard for me to tell - was salty maf or not maf?? @JayKay PE I think it's just all going over my head. 

It's probably worth revisiting our default maf:town ratio, and power of the special characters, reveal time of investigation. Maybe in a month or so in the future.

I think some of our game culture has derived out of necessity. We've all got full time jobs and other committements in different time zones. We can't commit to round the clock play. It would be very difficult to enforce a minimum relevant post count. We'd very quickly lose players and viability for future games. 

We might even look into some rules for townie coalitions to speed up game play. There have been plenty of rounds where it was fait accompli, but we still had to play another two days. ex: whenever I posted the Doctor Strange  "We're in the endgame now" gif.   I'm just spitballing here. Maybe an "escape button" the coalition can press demonstrating that it's an inevitable outcome, but if it's pressed too soon and they're wrong, then the mafia wins automatically?
I kinda like the mafia and the other special characters all giving their responses early in the evening so a single update includes all lynches and mafia kills.

To make it more interesting, I think if the special characters were given their 'answer' at maybe 6PM EST, with the final mafia kill at 9PM EST, it would make it more vital for people to post in the forums and try and convince others.  I think some of the JoAT this round were either killed early or they didn't get a valid result that would help them convince others (and the new skills were a little confusing, but I'd like to try and use them more often).

Def want to spitball some more.  I def liked some of the new aspects from a mod-side.

i'm sorry, it's hard for me to tell - was salty maf or not maf?? @JayKay PE I think it's just all going over my head. 
Salty was not maf.  Salty was lynched by friends.  Vhab was killed by mafia.

Sorry, forgot to tell their role straight-forward in this update.

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@ChebyshevII PE You've got more experience with this game offsite than the rest of us combined. Do other versions of the game prohibit PMs or external communication? Is all communication during the in-person party game always done out in the open? Or are side conversations allowed?
Speaking strictly from a forum standpoint, I think it varies from group to group.

In-person games, however, don't give people the luxury of communicating off-to-the-side (that I know of), since everyone is sitting in a circle in the same room. I've never played any games where side-conversations were allowed to happen, and even if they existed, I'm not sure how it would be done. I'm guessing that the rule about no PMs or outside communication is to simulate the in-person type of setup.

(This is also assuming that night/day isn't a literal night/day. All the in-person games I've played have been an entire game in one sitting, which usually lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour)

It may be a little bit of everything. However, I think the townie alliance method contributes heavily to the skewed percentage. If we wanted to stick with this, one way to give the mafia a fighting chance is to assign additional mafia members, or introduce new mafia-allied roles.
Though balance-wise this no side convos would also hold true for Mafia side. In person game neither town or mafia would be able to use "PMs", except mafia by mouthing/pointing/ASL etc during night time when they're choosing who to kill. (In games I've played it's been "Mafia open your eyes" and they choose who to kill.)

However they have noticed that the mafia (or wolves) tend to have a pretty overwhelming win percentage. Note: under the base rules the town and mafia should split wins. They didn't give an exact reason why, but it may have to do with the extra limitations, or how most of the players don't know each other prior to the game. Townie wins increases with players that know each other, although the mafia still win most of the time.
The lack of PMs definitely gives the mafia an advantage.  I don't like not having PMs (or outside e-mails) for the townies in our games.  It takes away some of the social aspect we enjoy (now that I've had a few days to play/monitor it).  It does introduce the shady strategy of monitoring each other's PM activity, but I think that's part of the fun.  No one knows for sure if we're PMing each other about mafia, PE Exam, SPAM thread, or other EB topics.  

The town usually wins on EB. I don't know if it's because we know each other, we have a strong analytical background, or we've developed a website culture that tilts toward town (i.e. use of PMs and occasional offsite communication)
I think our game (EB Mafia) is more balanced.  A few more tourney rounds are needed to help us learn the special roles and for townies to communicate publicly, but after the tournament is over I'm guessing we'll choose to go back to our rules.  

I'm truly surprised I made it this far. I would have voted to kill me off a round ago with the mounting evidence. I even lumped myself in with my suspicious list cause it just wasn't looking good. When Chart turned out to be a JOAT I knew I was dead. I had been on the voting side of two special characters lynching. Some times you suck as a townie. I did this round. Sorry guys.

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i'm curious why maf killed vhab bc she voted for salty all three times? explain!

