EB Mafia

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hmm, now I want mac & cheese. That might be dinner if I still have enough supplies to make it without going to the store.

I haven't been the grocery store in over 3 weeks. I have made two trips to Lowes and one to Home Depot though over the same time frame.

This townie is setup to go a few weeks without fresh supplies, but can't always go that long without parts for one of the multitude of projects around the house, such as small engine repair...


Unfortunately, it appears the mafia may be communicating by some means other than EB PMs.  Maybe using private e-mail or something else.  I've been checking once in a while and haven't seen anyone using PMs so right now I have little to go on.
They probably don't have much to talk about yet. Everyone is equally non trusted. No intel to try and identify the JOATs. No endgame strategy to figure out. At this stage the mafia is just randomly picking a name just like we townies are. I would suspect that mafia traffic will increase in a few days.

@JayKay PE, I have to utilize the randomizer today. No real way to determine who is who otherwise just yet...

Therefore, today's vote is for @vhab49_PE unless more information is presented to their townie intentions / alliance before the church bells ring and the chippers are started.

So how'd you warm it up??? Rubbing it vigorously?
