EB Mafia

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Since the townies can't PM, I would have to believe the votes are public. How else could the townies collaborate to lynch the same person?


This round is much harder to get proof of being a townie. In tournament play, it's likely the same way. 

Its hard to keep track of individual posts. I can see why the rules are demanding so many posts per day for the tourney. It's a full time position to keep things in perspective.

sorry to @RBHeadge PE for getting involved in the tournament.

Also, who's adopting Cheb's 103 kids this round? (Sorry you got deaded, Cheb.)

@ChebyshevII PE RIP.
Re adoption, if this round is anything like last round, I'll be dead soon too, and they'll have to be passed on to someone else :( .
Give them to someone who they can form a lasting bond with.

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I assume you ate your babies, like a dingo might.

Or you and the missus are downsizing into a nice 55+ community with golf carts.

Nice.  (4/5)
