EB Mafia

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WOW, First @ChebyshevII PE is dead and now you want to take away the kids from his wife?

That seems like mafia sending a message.

I mean, @Roarbark effectively did that. The only difference is that he took Mrs. Cheb along for the ride as well (I believe the technical phrase for that is that he "borked" her.)


Suspicious that Me2 didn't ever answer my question but not suspicious enough to vote on it yet.

@blybrook PE did you have anything to do with chebys death?

Post 4/5
not suspicious enough to change your vote tho huh? nice, real nice. :(  

edit: kidding bc i misremembered who voted for me LOL


Last edited by a moderator:
Suspicious that Me2 didn't ever answer my question but not suspicious enough to vote on it yet.

@blybrook PE did you have anything to do with chebys death?

Post 4/5
Absolutely Not. I might dislike any HOA and have been tuning up some different yard implements in my free time; but have no intention of going after fellow neighbors. 

If I find out who's mafia, well, that's a different story. There's a chipper tuned and ready just for them.


Another safety moment - 

Someone put his paper in the oven to kill any viruses, forgot about it, and the paper starting catching on fire.

Do I even WANT to know why this individual THOUGHT this was a good idea???

If they were an EB Mafia player, they'd be my target for today out of pure stupidity!

