EB Mafia

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Yesterday we started a meeting with a safety moment. I was going to talk about encountering ticks on my last hike, but someone interrupted me instead with her trainwreck of a safety moment.  My coworker decided to instead rant about having her German shepherd in the front yard. Apparently it growls and scares other people walking by her house.  A woman walking by asked my coworker to take the dog inside so she and her young children could walk by without being threatened. My coworker ranted that she should be able to have her "vicious dog" in the yard, and her safety moment was telling us to cross the street instead of asking her to take her dog inside.

The stunned silence after her safety moment was glorious.


edit: Top!!
yeah that coworker needs to have their dog taken away.

my dog attack story from yesterday pales in comparison (I'm fine, it was a 4mo puppy unsupervised in an unfenced yard) 

The day dawned wet and gross, the rain falling from the sky like dog piss.  Everyone was pissed (haha) at @Audi driver, P.E. because they were moving away from the town and everyone had to wake up super early to say goodbye.  Something about a blundered coup and the rest of the HOE board rising up and kicking them out from being president.  Grass height and proper sidewalk coloration seemed to be the tipping point.

Any who, everyone was grumbling into their coffee cups that were heavily laced with brandy and other exciting flavors. Standing on the edge of the sidewalk, nobody noticed the body until after @Audi driver, P.E. left, due to it being wrapped as per HOA regulations for leaf disposal.  I mean, if there wasn't a head sticking out, poorly covered by a folded newspaper, who knows if the body would have been discovered by the neighborhood until the next clam bake?

The townies discovered that @ChebyshevII PE had been murdered in the middle of the night and that some mafia members had moved into their gated community.

The nerve.

@Audi driver, P.E. moved away from the town due to lack of thread activity.

The remaining players are:

@DuranDuran, @txjennah PE, @tj_PE, @jean15paul_PE, @MadamPirate PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @blybrook PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @SaltySteve, @Roarbark, @NikR_PE, @chart94, and@vhab49_PE

(Also, I SOOOOOO APPRECIATE everyone who labeled their first 5 posts, even if they were spam, made it hella easy to check this morning).
At first glance I thought audi got dedded. Damn thats a freebie for the maf.


Yesterday we started a meeting with a safety moment. I was going to talk about encountering ticks on my last hike, but someone interrupted me instead with her trainwreck of a safety moment.  My coworker decided to instead rant about having her German shepherd in the front yard. Apparently it growls and scares other people walking by her house.  A woman walking by asked my coworker to take the dog inside so she and her young children could walk by without being threatened. My coworker ranted that she should be able to have her "vicious dog" in the yard, and her safety moment was telling us to cross the street instead of asking her to take her dog inside.

The stunned silence after her safety moment was glorious.


edit: Top!!
Uhhh, wtf txj-coworker?!

