EB Mafia

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This!  I was fine with Business Skype and corporate let Teams take over without us knowing, so it caught us off guard.  I hope we only use it for chat and calls.  I'd rather keep Outlook for e-mails and scheduling.
Well a lot of departments in my company were already using Slack. ITS came to us almost 2 years ago and said, "we're not paying for Slack if we have access to Teams." And then they ran a year long pilot. So we've had lots of notice.

Hi everyone, thanks for running this little experiment for me. I appreciate.

I got my round assignment. I will be playing in Game 10, starting June 8. I certainly hope things clam down IRL by then. I need to start researching tourney play. The pride of EB is at stake, or something like that... ;)
Yay! How can we spectate? Or do you know yet?


fun fact

someone hacked my skype and i didn't know what email address i used to sign up for skype, so skype let the person who hacked it keep it.
so there's probably a tj_PE Russian bot porn Skype account out there somewhere.

My wife had to do the same thing with her Twitter account. She signed up using an old email address that she doesn't have access to anymore. She never used Twitter and eventually forgot about it. Then the account got hacked and Twitter can only restore based on the original email address. So now someone else's ****s are posted on Twitter under my wife's name. :(

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OMG, how and why did this suddenly become a thing in the last few months?! They forced it on me in November, and now almost everything I do at work is on teams. It's slowing down the network and not easy to keep organized. I'm not a fan.
Giggling because RB said OMG.

My company transitioned last year. My division had to switch over in like September. And we got rid of skype in December.

teams makes everything slow for me and i have an architect that is sending **** in teams like SEND ME AN EMAIL I DONT WANT YOU TO HAVE THE LITTLE EYEBALL SAYING I READ IT OKAY

BTW, as part of my learning and observation I will be PMing random players during the round to ask about their thoughts and comments on gameplay, and ig they are engaging in any strategy. If you see me pm'ing someone, you should NOT view it as an indication of them playing a special role.
That's as suspish a statement as I've ever seen on here, as in ALL TIME suspish.
