EB Mafia

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I accidently counted Duran twice.
i.e. DuranDuran? 

Good luck everyone! (But especially people on my team.) 

@MadamPirate PE I enjoy that your interests have Knitting, Murder, and then a LINE BREAK before tacking on "podcasts". A little suspense to keep us entertained.

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No. Are you, stepdad to 103 children?

(I was gonna say something more rude, but we’re all friends here and I truly want to keep it that way)
Apparently in JayKay's parallel universe, yes. Luckily in this world line/universe I have the ability of speech and am not literally an animal.

i.e. DuranDuran? 

Good luck everyone! (But especially people on my team.) 

@MadamPirate PE I enjoy that your interests have Knitting, Murder, and then a LINE BREAK before tacking on "podcasts". A little suspense to keep us entertained.
Which is why I can never change it. It wasn't planned, but it's worked out perfectly. Also, you're not the first person to point this out!

I'd like to petition Webster for an addition.
