EB Mafia

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Dang you guys are dying to know the outcome lol.

If RB and TJ can forgive me for my transgression,  I'll cast my vote now and we can get this over with.  I'd like to put this round behind me and move on.

On the other hand, I do have until 9pm to re-think this whole thing over....

Dang you guys are dying to know the outcome lol.

If RB and TJ can forgive me for my transgression,  I'll cast my vote now and we can get this over with.  I'd like to put this round behind me and move on.

On the other hand, I do have until 9pm to re-think this whole thing over....


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Well this one was hard.  Both Jean and Audi sort of acted like their usual selves in this round.  Jean made himself believable reaching out to a couple of townies looking for help/answers.  Audi never reached out to me, but he never does anyway.  However, he seemed uncharacteristically engaged this round, but that could be because we're not used to seeing him survive this long.  It's almost a toss-up, except.....

No dice roll here.  @LyceeFruit PE I vote for @Audi driver, P.E..

Whatever the outcome, good game everyone!  I really enjoyed it, as usual.  Hope everyone is doing well with whole madness! 

As RB said, we have nowhere to go.  Put me down for the next round.  Well, don't put me down...yet.  Count me in...or something like that.  I need more coffee....and analytical skills.

Well this one was hard.  Both Jean and Audi sort of acted like their usual selves in this round.  Jean made himself believable reaching out to a couple of townies looking for help/answers.  Audi never reached out to me, but he never does anyway.  However, he seemed uncharacteristically engaged this round, but that could be because we're not used to seeing him survive this long.  It's almost a toss-up, except.....

No dice roll here.  @LyceeFruit PE I vote for @Audi driver, P.E..
I urge you to reconsider.
