EB Mafia

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They finally arrive at Baxter State Park, where @Roarbark & @blybrook PE have been waiting for them. 

@Roarbark looks at the small group spilling out of the van and asks “Where is everyone?!”

@MadamPirate PE sighs and says “It’s a long story. I’m thankful this is the final destination of our vacation. Can’t wait to get to the airport and get out of here”

Everyone gears up for the hike up Katahdin to Baxter Peak via Helon Taylor Trail & Knife’s Edge. @blybrook PE decides to wait for them at the base as Knife’s Edge narrows to 3ft wide and their big bear paws can’t lumber along that closely. It takes a few hours to hit the trail junction for Knife’s Edge as @Audi driver, P.E. requires numerous snack breaks but they’ve finally made it. @jean15paul_PE & @MadamPirate PE lead the way across Knife’s Edge. The wind is starting to pick up which makes the already challenging trail even more dangerous. Suddenly, there is a large gust of wind which knocks the slight frame of @jean15paul_PE off of the trail and tumbling off of Knife’s Edge. Katahdin has claimed another life.

@jean15paul_PE was mafia.

Congratulations @Audi driver, P.E. & @MEtoEE

@MadamPirate PE gets their wish and is finally headed back to Boston to get out of Maine. They decided to rent their own car since nothing good has come out of sharing a car with this folks. They were able to get a cute little Corolla for the drive back, somehow there was a  rental place in Lincoln, ME. They are cruising down I95 going 80mph (since the speed limit is 75mph and there's never any staties out up heyah). But suddenly, there is a moose in their view. @MadamPirate PE is unable to slow the vehicle or avoid the moose. And since they rented a Corolla, the Moose goes through the windshield, killing @MadamPirate PE instantly. 

The moose does not survive either. 
