EB Mafia

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I was gonna say how does maf and or doc know who to kill or save if we don't find out who got lynched. Unless they're both maf and the maf chooses someone other than them to ded? 

Sorry, mod did not feel great.

Mod is 2 episodes into Tiger King. Oh boy.

Kill & story shortly. 

The crew heads to Bangor so they can see Stephen King’s House. Because when one is in Maine, you must eat lobstah, see Stephen King’s house, attempt to see a moose, and head to Baxter State Park. There isn’t much else to do in Bangor so they decide it’ll be a quick stop before heading up to Moosehead Lake. There is someone standing near Stephen King’s house selling red ballons. @SaltySteve runs up and buys 7 red balloons - one for everyone. Except for @chart94 because @SaltySteve can’t count very well. ( @Roarbark & @blybrook PE decided to bypass Bangor and headed to the woods. Because bears don’t really like being in town)
@SaltySteve: “I’m so sorry @chart94, here take mine and I’ll got get another one!”

@chart94: “No, it’s ok. Pennywise creeps me out and red balloons remind me of that Nena song. I’m perfectly happy without one”

@SaltySteve, crestfallen: “Oh, ok. If you say so”

The group walks a bit around Bangor while they wait for their tour of Stephen King’s house. The group walks over across the State Bridge, over the Kenduskeag Stream. Maine DOT’s budget has been wicked cruddy for the last dozen years or so so there’s a lot of potholes and exposed rebar. @jean15paul_PE trips in a pothole and lets go of their balloon. @chart94 tries to grab it for them but trips as well. Unfortunately for @chart94, there was a rip in the fencing and they fell over the railing into the Kenduskeag. Their body is swept away into the Penobscot River to never been seen again.

@chart94 was a regular townsfolk.

The remaining players are:

 @MEtoEE @JayKay PE @jean15paul_PE @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @SaltySteve

Hope you're feeling better ❤️
Thank you! ❤

I am, I think I've stressed myself into not feeling well. But I've taken some cold meds today and i feel loads better 🤷🏻‍♀️. I also spent most of yesterday afternoon watching Bob Ross

Sorry, mod did not feel great.

Mod is 2 episodes into Tiger King. Oh boy.

Kill & story shortly. 
I hope you feel better *hugs*

The crew heads to Bangor so they can see Stephen King’s House. Because when one is in Maine, you must eat lobstah, see Stephen King’s house, attempt to see a moose, and head to Baxter State Park. There isn’t much else to do in Bangor so they decide it’ll be a quick stop before heading up to Moosehead Lake. There is someone standing near Stephen King’s house selling red ballons. @SaltySteve runs up and buys 7 red balloons - one for everyone. Except for @chart94 because @SaltySteve can’t count very well. ( @Roarbark & @blybrook PE decided to bypass Bangor and headed to the woods. Because bears don’t really like being in town)
@SaltySteve: “I’m so sorry @chart94, here take mine and I’ll got get another one!”

@chart94: “No, it’s ok. Pennywise creeps me out and red balloons remind me of that Nena song. I’m perfectly happy without one”

@SaltySteve, crestfallen: “Oh, ok. If you say so”

The group walks a bit around Bangor while they wait for their tour of Stephen King’s house. The group walks over across the State Bridge, over the Kenduskeag Stream. Maine DOT’s budget has been wicked cruddy for the last dozen years or so so there’s a lot of potholes and exposed rebar. @jean15paul_PE trips in a pothole and lets go of their balloon. @chart94 tries to grab it for them but trips as well. Unfortunately for @chart94, there was a rip in the fencing and they fell over the railing into the Kenduskeag. Their body is swept away into the Penobscot River to never been seen again.

@chart94 was a regular townsfolk.

The remaining players are:

 @MEtoEE @JayKay PE @jean15paul_PE @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @SaltySteve

The townies have to eliminate a mafia tomorrow night or it's all over. 

Thank you! ❤

I am, I think I've stressed myself into not feeling well. But I've taken some cold meds today and i feel loads better 🤷🏻‍♀️. I also spent most of yesterday afternoon watching Bob Ross
Glad it's not the 'rona

The groups leaves Bangor and heads northwest ish towards Moosehead. You can’t get theyah from heyah so it’s gonna take a few hours to get there before they’ll get there. They can’t wait to do some warm up hikes, fish, and go sailing. There’s also some moose cruises that they can go on. The group leaves @MEtoEE’s Cobalt in Bangor since the group is small enough to all fit into the van now plus a Cobalt on some of Maine’s backroads would not end well. On the way there, @MadamPirate PE drives the group through Monson, so close to the 100 Mile Wilderness. The group decides to stop so they can hike a few miles on the Appalachian Trail before they hike around Moosehead. It’s been a dream of @SaltySteves to hike the AT so they are very excited even if it’s only for a couple of house. @MadamPirate PE pulls over and tells them that they have 4 hours to hike. And everyone must be back at the van in 4 hours so they can head up to Moosehead. @MEtoEE stays back with @MadamPirate PE, their shin is still smarting from the tumble on Beehive trail. @SaltySteve and @JayKay PE lead the way! They decide that they’ll hike out about 1.5 hours and turn around to give themselves a buffer and snack breaks since @Audi driver, P.E. requires many snack breaks. The group gets going and @SaltySteve very quickly finds their groove and is cruising on ahead. @jean15paul_PE is trying to call to them to slow down but @SaltySteve has Rebecca Black’s Friday blasting in their headphones and can’t hear anything. Due to this, @SaltySteve doesn’t realize that there’s a bear along side of the trail. And it isn’t @blybrook PE. This bear is hangry and can smell the whoopie pies in @SaltySteve’s pack. Suddenly, the bear lunges at @SaltySteve, teeth and claws ripping at flesh, wool, and nylon to get to those whoopie pies. The rest of the group rounds the corner and comes upon the gory scene. @txjennah PE screeches which scares off the bear. But there is nothing the group can do to save @SaltySteve.

@SaltySteve was lynched by the mafia.

Remaining players are:

@MEtoEE @JayKay PE @Audi driver, P.E. @txjennah PE @jean15paul_PE


