EB Mafia

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You got me. I'm maf.

Slash not this again.

As the drunk chaperone on this field trip who cares about everyone's most people's well being, recall last episode: 

Yes, I am maf.
@squaretaper LIT AF PE was lynched by the town.

He was a regular townsfolk
  The ol "I'm gonna claim mafia/random things every game until people stop believing anything I say approach." 

But I'm not even playing this round so I'll shut up 😛 

After their adventures in southern Maine, the group headed to the Midcoast. They decide to stop in Rockland so they can visit the Project Puffin Visitor Center in @RBHeadge PE’s honor. But it’s also a great place to get a lobstah roll and watch the lobstah boats come in. The group sets up at an ocean side park, eating their lobstsah rolls - made with just enough mayo to hold the lobstah meat together, the way a roll should be made. @vhab49_PE notices that there’s a sign for harbor tours and since @squaretaper LIT AF PE has always wanted to be a boat, the group goes. @JayKay PE finds a lobstah boat that’s about to go out to pull up their traps that’ll let them group on. @squaretaper LIT AF PE is bouncing with glee. @jean15paul_PE & @chart94 decide to stay back as they both get seasick and the water is a little choppy today. “Suit yerself” @MEtoEE says as they jog off to catch the boat with the rest. 

As they pull out further into the ocean, the ocean gets a bit choppier. The captain decides that they’ll pull up a couple of traps since they have a bunch of come-from-aways on the boat and @txjennah PE is looking a little green. For some reason, @squaretaper LIT AF PE attempts to help the captain pull traps. Right as they are about to lift a trap up, a wave comes crashing over and sweeps @squaretaper LIT AF PE overboard. @squaretaper LIT AF PE ended up tangled in the lines as they went overboard and got cracked over the head with a wooden lobstah, rendering them unconscious.

Unfortunately, @squaretaper LIT AF PE didn’t make it.

And was a regular townsperson.

The remaining players are:

@MEtoEE @SaltySteve @JayKay PE @vhab49_PE @chart94 @txjennah PE @Audi driver, P.E. @jean15paul_PE
