EB Mafia

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Never in the bachelor-themed round did I say anyone was a lady.  😎

The only thing I stated as a fact was bly was a bear.  Everyone else was human and looking fabulous, with amazing hair care routines and wearing ballgowns.  

*Edit* And that @ChebyshevII PE has amazing cheekbones and was (maybe) and instagram model.
I assumed that we were all cross-dressing pan-sexuals... not sure if I prefer that or a lady, but  either way it was fun ... and gory

The heel part made me do a double take. Throw back to the bachelor themed round where everyone was a lady.

Double 💩 on the two townies getting dedded.

My suspicions are still on @jean15paul_PE and @JayKay PE for the early attempt at voting for each other and then making up real quick. @LyceeFruit PE I vote for @jean15paul_PE until further notice.
This is why I suck at this game. Because I'm too active and always accidently draw suspicion. Also everyone knows the randomness of day 1.

@LyceeFruit PE I vote for @SaltySteve for now, but will be attempting some voting analysis later so subject to change.

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You got me. I'm maf.
