EB Mafia

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Just pull a JayKay.  Get drunk while trying to mod, but you're way more excited about your ranger cookies and tequila.

*ends in disaster*
Shame I don't drink tho lol

I was trying to cook steak & baked potatoes. And do dog training via Zoom lol 

For everyone working from home. Do you still get dressed? Working in pajamas? or less?......I still feel the need to get ready just like I was going to the office. She thinks I'm weird.
At first I didn't, but after a few days of low productivity I've started dressing up, to try to get into the work mindset... I've also been trying to sit in a different spot when I work vs. when I lollygag/eat/play video games.

I have limited space to work with, so I've been working from the OTHER side of the dining room table. 

I usually wear a Hawaiian shirt when working from home.
Heck, I usually wear an aloha shirt and jeans when working from the office ;) .

For everyone working from home. Do you still get dressed? Working in pajamas? or less?

My wife owns her own business and LOVES working from home in her PJ's all day. This is my first time working from home. I still feel the need to get ready just like I was going to the office. She thinks I'm weird.
I get dressed, minus the shoes. It helps me to get into the right mentality.

What are these "roofs" you speak of?
You know when you have a surfboard?  And then you have two more?  Are you kinda make a structure that prevents rain from hitting you?  But you can also sit under it and eat sunflower seeds?  I've heard that's a roof.

Personally, sounds too high-brow to me.

You know when you have a surfboard?  And then you have two more?  Are you kinda make a structure that prevents rain from hitting you?  But you can also sit under it and eat sunflower seeds?  I've heard that's a roof.

Personally, sounds too high-brow to me.
I just sit under the pine trees, here in the Pine Tree State 

Just pull a JayKay.  Get drunk while trying to mod, but you're way more excited about your ranger cookies and tequila.

*ends in disaster*
That was not a disaster... that was hilarious! IIR, I was pretty plastered that weekend as well.  One of my favorite EB convos/thread.
