EB Mafia

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set up an all day zoom/teams call with coworkers/friends so you guys can pretend you're all in the office together?

some of my friends are doing zoom runs. yes, zoom calls while running to mimic group runs 
We use Business Skype but supposed to switch to Teams this year.  Never used Zoom.  Is it like Skype?

I've done Zoom calls with my Texas friends.  It's fun! They are extroverts too so have been struggling with social distancing.
My kid does Zoom or Google Hangouts with her best buddy who lives 2 doors down.  She is just freshly 11, so does not have a cell phone.  

We use Business Skype but supposed to switch to Teams this year.  Never used Zoom.  Is it like Skype?
We already switched to Teams last year. It was somewhat gradual. And then they just started forcing people to switch by business line/office location since we had no choice but to eventually use it lol.

I don't think Zoom is like Skype at all - idk. I only used Business Skype for IMing tho. since we used WebEx for meetings
