EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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it's supposed to melt by the afternoon. 50F. beach weather! except a couple of towns shut their beaches because come-from-aways were crowding them this weekend and not social distancing correctly. 

i wish i could. i took a nap at lunch yesterday and i dont even have kids. i feed off of other peoples energy so i have none since i'm ALL ALONE
set up an all day zoom/teams call with coworkers/friends so you guys can pretend you're all in the office together?

some of my friends are doing zoom runs. yes, zoom calls while running to mimic group runs 

I slept horribly last night.  Not sure if it's because I worked out late last night (wasn't going to work out, but then got bored of sitting and eating on the couch) or because I just have crappy sleep habits coming to roost.

I kinda wish I could work from home just so I could take a couple random naps to get me back on to a normal schedule.
