EB Mafia

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes. This is my third round with these FN stones, usually every few years one will put me down. This one was no different, hit hard, made me dizzy, cold sweats, vomiting, etc.  The ER can prescribe flomax, which can help the stone pass among with anti nausea and pain meds. 

I'm just getting home. Confirmed stone, large enough that it's on the borderline of surgery to breakup/remove. If I develop a fever or severe chills, I'm to go back and they'll get me into an OR. 

Currently attempting to get some chicken broth down so I can take the meds and go pass out. It'll be the only food I've had today after this mornings circus. 

I drink plenty of water (at least 1.5 gallons a day) so flow and cleanse isn't an issue. I just drew the short straw for developing stones. 

When it rains it pours. 

I'm still out for this round and just glad I can continue to work from home. 

Hmmm, nah don't worry about recasting it. The fates have spoken, and they demand RoarProductivity this week. It's for my own good. (Don't worry, not insulted)
Im doing some minor storytelling, not to JayKay or MadamPirate level but you'll still be involved along the way. 

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We just got some fresh snow in anticipation of your visit!

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@txjennah PE (square)
