EB Mafia

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You obviously havent been to the chicago part of lake michigan... no telling what bodies etc are in there...
I refuse to go to Chicago on account of the *shudder* pizza.

Dead bodies are totes cool.  Except when they get bloated.  And you poke them with a stick.  And accidentally make a hole in the dermis.  And then the smell makes you throw up.  Which doesn't add to the atmosphere in general.

I refuse to go to Chicago on account of the *shudder* pizza.

Dead bodies are totes cool.  Except when they get bloated.  And you poke them with a stick.  And accidentally make a hole in the dermis.  And then the smell makes you throw up.  Which doesn't add to the atmosphere in general.
Sounds like @JayKay PE is warming up for some mod exposition.
