EB Mafia

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Man I go AFK for a lunchtime workout and then a lunchtime lunch, and yall get all deep in here. Upbrining, relationships, child raising, love.... I want to participate, but have nothing to contribute at the moment.
You can contribute:

Give up your mafia buddy and we'll let you live in the next round.

Allergic to bacon!!??!?!!?!???!!!!!!

😭 I'm so sorry.
Lol, it's okay.  It just means I give it to other people.

And I can still eat it...I just get very uncomfortable, very fast, turn bright red, start to cough/get congested, and have a huge migraine/light sensitivity in like less than 5-minutes.  It's probably nothing.

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Oh god.  You just brought a whole new possibility to this.

Mafia wins when it's 1vs1, but SK lives when they're the last.  What if the SK has been hiding, using the mafia to pare down townies while making a 'partnership' with them, and then striking when its a 2vs1 townie to mafia ratio?
I'm pushing the button, but nothing's happening...

The temperature and pressure must not be right in here....or I'm dead.  IS THE TIMER ON? IS THE TIMER ON?

Week 2 Question 8 Ladder Logic.jpg

Week 2 Question 8 page 2 Ladder Logic.jpg

I'm pushing the button, but nothing's happening...

The temperature and pressure must not be right in here....or I'm dead.  IS THE TIMER ON? IS THE TIMER ON?

*pic snip*

*pic snip*
Tbh, reading this/solving this helped me calm down a bit.  I forgot how much I liked simple circuit stuff.  I wish I had explored it a bit more.

Final vote was:

@JayKay PE (salty, roar)

@SaltySteve (rb, jk)


After thorough deliberation among the townsfolk and the town elders, it was decided a coin flip would be sufficient to determine the fates of the accused.

The town ended up lynching @JayKay PE

She was a regular townie.


During the night:

@RBHeadge PE Was killed by the serial killer.

@SaltySteve Was killed by mafia.


The remaining player is @Roarbark.

They were...
