EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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we prefer you only to be dedded in the game of mafia, and also only if you are mafia, or another type of person who kills cereal
My Lucky Charms never saw it coming 😭 They wouldn't even hurt a fly!

Anyone have any ideas of something I could get my wife for her birthday that's from our daughter?

16 months.
Something like this?


When my son was around that age, I got a painting from my wife "from him" that he actually made.

*pic snip*
I feel lied to.  You're not a dog at all.

(your wife and you both look amazing and very happy! and your son is obviously an artist in the making!  Nice light to dark gradation!)

I feel lied to.  You're not a dog at all.

(your wife and you both look amazing and very happy! and your son is obviously an artist in the making!  Nice light to dark gradation!)
Oh, once in a while he can make something that looks really cool!  Other times it's a complete mess lol but he enjoy it.

Thanks btw.  I meant to crop out the wedding photo, and I did and re-posted.  Not sure my wife would want our wedding photo in the forum.
