EB Mafia

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She's not really into drawing and stuff.

So I've tried handprints before, but she really didn't like her hands being touched. I might try it again and just see if I can get a handprint in a birthday card.

Oh, once in a while he can make something that looks really cool!  Other times it's a complete mess lol but he enjoy it.

Thanks btw.  I meant to crop out the wedding photo, and I did and re-posted.  Not sure my wife would want our wedding photo in the forum.
Art is meant to be enjoyed.  Your son is on the right path.

Lol, I totes get why she prob wouldn't want it on the website, but just tell her today she looks pretty.  No reason why.  She'll def appreciate it.

She's not really into drawing and stuff.

So I've tried handprints before, but she really didn't like her hands being touched. I might try it again and just see if I can get a handprint in a birthday card.
Slather her in paint?  Technically her hands won't be touched and you can get an awesome butt-drag paint job?

Can we move that legend? I feel like it might be blocking something important. (Geography literalists who cant take a joke: I know I know, it's not exaaaactly there.)

@jean15paul_PE @LyceeFruit PE claims that chatt didn't reassign roles when she joined and therefore she can't be maf, also claimed that cheb investigated her and confirmed she was a townie. people generally seem to believe this information
My assumption would be that Chatt assigned roles correctly, and included all people. IF he had already sent, it wouldn't be hard to resend, and I'd expect that he'd do that if adding someone. @ investigation, maybe... but no-one can confirm...

Did I miss anything else in the ~10 pages of spam while I was asleep?

Can we move that legend? I feel like it might be blocking something important. (Geography literalists who cant take a joke: I know I know, it's not exaaaactly there.)
God, what could be important in the middle of the ocean?  Just seems weird.  (j/k, j/k, I know all about the shrimp food trucks, which are very important)

God, what could be important in the middle of the ocean?  Just seems weird.  (j/k, j/k, I know all about the shrimp food trucks, which are very important)
Got me there. Maybe not important, but definitely relevant to the convo. But maybe not as humid as Malaysia. That's where I have had my "It's 6 am, the sun isn't up, why am I sweating???" internal dialogue moments. 

Comparatively, when I go to CO (visit family), My body shrivels up and my skin starts flaking off. And nose bleeds. and my lips and skin sometimes split. 😞 What the heck man. I s'pose I'd get used to it if I lived there, but....

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Something like this (annual average humidity, roughly):

Hawaii - 60%

Vegas - 30-40%

Dallas - 60-70%

Houston - 90%

Nashville - 70%
Gross. Luckily we have our trade winds (~blowing east to west)to keep things moving round here, and that keeps the % down/bring us cool air from the NORTH.


@Chattaneer PE can we get a vote update?

Anyone have any ideas of something I could get my wife for her birthday that's from our daughter?
I asked my wife if she wanted anything specific for Valentines day and her response was a romantic gesture... 

Her idea of a romantic gesture and mine probably differ though cause the first thing that went through my mind was a baby sitter, lingerie, nerf guns, and an extrrrrraa cheesy carb loaded pizza.
