EB Mafia

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True, but you announcement insinuates the PMs for special roles were already sent out prior to the announcement (such as , "if you didn't get a PM from me, that means you're a regular townie).  But you quickly announced Lycee as a player within a minute of that announcement.  It would have been very difficult to re-randomize and re-send PMs.  

Of course this is all speculation.  You could have re-sent PMs a few mins later, but I find that highly unlikely because it's more likely SOMEONE would have slipped and mentioned it (having a role reversed or added) at some point.
That's just boilerplate stuff. I didn't actually type that out.

I'll leave it alone. It's up to you guys if you want to make assumptions.

Just to be clear, it's not hard to have multiple tabs open with the messages ready to go, and then change the recipients after clicking a button to generate roles.
True, like I said it's all speculation.  I have no proof.  We're all busy with other stuff (work, studying, goofing off lol) so I'm just going with what human nature tells me is most likely to happen.

^ Double Post ^

And again to clarify, I did literally just type that formula up for effect.

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