EB Mafia

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Can we move that legend? I feel like it might be blocking something important. (Geography literalists who cant take a joke: I know I know, it's not exaaaactly there.)

My assumption would be that Chatt assigned roles correctly, and included all people. IF he had already sent, it wouldn't be hard to resend, and I'd expect that he'd do that if adding someone. @ investigation, maybe... but no-one can confirm...

Did I miss anything else in the ~10 pages of spam while I was asleep?
You might've missed @tj_PE summoning the actual mafia.

The mafia nightkilled the two players that cast critical votes against them in the first round.

The SK either has not acted, or choose the same tagret as the mafia last night.

Ita hard to read into day 1 votes. Its basically random. There are exceptions, but none that happened this round. 

It possible to find patterns, but those haven't emerged yet. Last night I picked one person at random and everyone dogpiled, so there isn't anything to divine from that.

We need more data.

At present there are three bad guys and six good guys. So nominally 1 in 3 chance of guessing right tonight.

Got me there. Maybe not important, but definitely relevant to the convo. But maybe not as humid as Malaysia. That's where I have had my "It's 6 am, the sun isn't up, why am I sweating???" internal dialogue moments. 

Comparatively, when I go to CO (visit family), My body shrivels up and my skin starts flaking off. And nose bleeds. and my lips and skin sometimes split. 😞 What the heck man. I s'pose I'd get used to it if I lived there, but....
Sounds like you need to drink more water.

Sounds like you need to drink more water.
😞 I make it a point to drink LOTS of water when I'm there, in the hope it'll help. Light pee, so it's not plain ol dehydration.

The mafia nightkilled the two players that cast critical votes against them in the first round.
The SK either has not acted, or choose the same tagret as the mafia last night.
Ita hard to read into day 1 votes. Its basically random. There are exceptions, but none that happened this round. 
It possible to find patterns, but those haven't emerged yet. Last night I picked one person at random and everyone dogpiled, so there isn't anything to divine from that.
We need more data.
At present there are three bad guys and six good guys. So nominally 1 in 3 chance of guessing right tonight.
Agree. Not much to go on right now. Confused by some earlier statements in the game...

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