EB Mafia

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or the maf fooled me by targeting metoee bc she did and threw us off the trail :(  

@LyceeFruit PE is a townie without voting powers; This is my doing after she continued to derail the thread. She was previously a player until she backed out the day or two before the game was to begin.

@SaltySteve is scuba diving and won't be back online until after time is called. We have to keep track of the tally ourselves until he returns and gives the results.

I've gotta change my vote so that I don't waste it tonight on a NPC...
I was out for this whole round, which I thought was gonna start last week and I went skiing for 2 days with no service and didnt wanna be accused as maf. Except it started this week and somehow im still part of it without any powers. So imma die by woodchipper and i cant even try and save mahself

I was out for this whole round, which I thought was gonna start last week and I went skiing for 2 days with no service and didnt wanna be accused as maf. Except it started this week and somehow im still part of it without any powers. So imma die by woodchipper and i cant even try and save mahself
